Bo Burnham
How to make the perfect peanut butter sandwich.
How to make a perfect peanut butter sandwich. First! grab a plate, I'm using a paper plate. I know they're bad for the environment, but I'd rather put a GUN in my mouth than do another dish! Next up, THE BREAD!! I ran out of the good pieces of bread, so I have to use those weird end pieces. Not Ideal, but we'll make it work! Next up, grab your peanut butter! I don't currently have the top to my peanut butter, because I'm using it as an astray. Now that you got your peanut butter, grab a utеnsil and start spreadin' :> I'm using a plastic fork, Because, likе I said, I refuse to do dishes ever again in my fucking life, and I ran out of plastic knives. I know some of you will complain about me using plastic. But I bet you won't shit to my face in real life. If this shit ever ends, and we go outside again, I dare you step up to me in the street. TRY ME! TRY ME! STEP UP YOU FUCKING PUSSIES! YOU THINK I'M FUCKING WRO?!- There you have it, the perfect. Peanut. butter. Sandwich :>