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William Shakespeare
William Shakespeare
HUMAN. :||: NATURE. (2020)
#РЕТРОСПЕКТИВА: Часть 2 (2019)
Монолог Гамлета с Йориком в руках (Hamlet monologue with yorik in hands)
All Is True (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) (2019)
Fear No More
hopeless fountain kingdom (Deluxe) (2017)
The Prologue
Seven Sonnets & a Song (2016)
Sonnet 138
Sonnet 73
Sonnet 18
Sonnets 44 and 45
Sonnet 60
O Mistress Mine (Clown’s Song from Twelfth Night)
Take All My Loves - 9 Shakespeare Sonnets (2016)
Take All My Loves (Sonnet 40)
Sonnet 29
Sonnet 129
When in Disgrace with Fortune and Men’s Eyes (Sonnet 29)
Much Ado About Nothing: Original Score (2013)
Sigh No More
All Days Are Nights: Songs for Lulu (2010)
Sonnet 43
Sonnet 20
Sonnet 10
Henry Purcell: Love Songs (2010)
Hark! The echoing air a triumph sings, Act V - (The Fairy Queen, Z. 629)
Hush, no more, be silent all, Act II - (The Fairy Queen, Z. 629)
If love’s a sweet passion, Act III - (The Fairy Queen, Z. 629)
O let me weep, Act V - (The Fairy Queen, Z. 629)
One charming night, Act II - (The Fairy Queen, Z. 629)
See, even Night herself is here, Act II - (The Fairy Queen, Z. 629)
Ye gentle spirits of the air, appear!, Act III - (The Fairy Queen, Z. 629)
Hair (The New Broadway Cast Recording) (2009)
What a Piece of Work Is Man / How Dare They Try
M.I.M.S. (Music Is My Savior) (2007)
Don’t Cry (Outro)
All’s Well That Ends Well (2005)
One Day Women Will All Become Monsters
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) (2004)
Double Trouble
Новые люди (New People) (2004)
Ромео и Джульета (Romeo & Juliet)
When Love Speaks - The Sonnets (2002)
When in disgrace with fortune and men’s eyes
No more be grieved at that which thou hast done
Live With Me and Be My Love
Shall I Compare Thee To A Summer’s Day
A Secret Life (1995)
The Angelic Conversation (1994)
Cave of Roses
Enochian Calling
Enochian Calling II
Finite Bees
Sun Ascension
The Mask and Mirror (1994)
Prospero’s Speech
У Ворот Господних (At the Gate of the Lord) (1994)
Сонет (Sonnet)
Khab Dar Bidari (1993)
Khial-e Khoshi
Much Ado About Nothing (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) (1993)
Sigh No More Ladies
Results (1989)
If There Was Love
Dziesmas izrādei ‘Šerloks Holmss’ (1980)
Wordsongs (1978)
Take All My Loves (Sonnet 40)
My Love Is As a Fever (Sonnet 147)
Зеркало души (The Mirror of the Soul) (1977)
Сонет Шекспира (Shakespeare’s Sonnet)
A Gift from a Flower to a Garden (1967)
Under the Greenwood Tree
Three Shakespeare Songs (1925)
Take, O take
When icicles hang by the wall
Orpheus with his lute
The Sacred Wood (1920)
Hamlet and His Problems
Монолог Гамлета с Йориком в руках (Hamlet monologue with yorik in hands)
English Lyrics, First Set
Willow Song
Come Away Death
Dirge for Fidele
It was a lover and his lass
Kom nu hit, död
Macbeth Full Play
Musza Wiosna
O mistress mine
Shove A Candlestick In My Ass
Sonnet 18
What a Piece of Work Is Man / How Dare They Try
William Shakespeare - Richard III List of Characters
Words and Phrases Coined By Shakespeare