Murray Head
Los Angeles (Live)
Leave my passport and deposit
With the man behind a desk
In a motel on some old boulevard
Where the view deserves a rest
Try the phone just one more time
Answering service comes on the line
Will my credentials give me a start
Will they warm somebody's heart?
Or if I make a sudden movement
Is it all gonna crack wide apart?
All they ask is my name, will I call back again?
Ooh Los Angeles and your ivy-mantled lawns
Ooh Los Angeles and your candy coated homes
In this smoothest saccharine city
Where there's the sun to say there's a shine
Is it roasting turkeys slowly
On a never ending line
Or blinding ultimatums
While they buy themselves more time
Los Angeles
In the end do your prisoners fail?
Los Angeles
How your guardian angels wail
Los Angeles
How does your garden grow?
Old gold, Los Angeles
Your wrinkles barely show