[Spoken Intro: Billy Ray & Miley]
Miley's wanting to play one more
I wanna, I wanna do another one, we got, we can do it
You better ask your
Come on, we can do it
You better ask your manager
Jason? Wait, there
She's wanting to play one more, Jason, I don't know
Come out, grab your guitar
I suppose we do for this show, well, y'all got time for one more out there?
Dad, soundtrack to your new record, I'm just kidding
Hey, give it up for this band, ladies and gentlemen, travelled all the way from Los Angeles, California
Daddy, you said that
And whether we do one more or not
Dad, dad, dad, dad
What? What?
We're not done yet, we're doing one more
You sure?
Put the camera down, this is my song, wait, I wanna do "Thrillbilly" again 'cause you said it's my favorite
And then I didn't get to sing to it or dance to it
Where's, let me ask your manager, I don't know if you got time
Jason, can I do it? Jason said yes
Are you sure, Jason? Are you sure?
Dad's scared
I'm not scared
Okay, daddy doesn't wanna do it so I'll sing "Thrillbilly"
No, no, no
Okay, here we go, ready?
Hold on, wait, I'm excited
No, no, no, no, no, you don't want to
[Verse 1: Miley & Billy Ray]
Shooting at a beer can on a fence post
Driving to your girlfriend's on a backhoe
Going skinny dipping on an old wood dock
Starting up a bonfire with gasoline
Seeing who can get higher on a rope swing (Are you serious?)
Burning up your new tires in the parking lot
Let me tell you right now, okay
Are you serious about this?
Do I have a band up in here?
Okay, come on, girl, come on, y'all wanna rock it, let's go
Come on
[Verse 2: Billy Ray, Miley & Billy Ray]
Shooting at a beer can on a fence post
Driving to your girlfriend's on a backhoe
Going skinny dipping on an old wood dock
Starting up a bonfire with gasoline
Seeing who can get higher on a rope swing
Burning up your new tires in the parking lot
Let me tell you right now
Just in case u don't know
[Chorus: Miley & Billy Ray]
That's thrill billy
Real hillbilly
That's thrill billy
Till the cows come home
That's down-home style
Mixed with buck wild
So get on down and you'll be proud
Of how you roll
That's thrill billy
That's thrill billy
[Verse 2: Billy Ray, Miley& Billy Ray]
Flipping off a barn roof into a haystack
Sipping on some home brew sitting outback
Thinking it'd be col to build a submarine
Dragging down a two lane with your lights off
Hopping on a freight train at a feed lot
Raisin' you some bi Cain- in john Deere green
Here's come bubba on his four-wheeler
"Hey man, you all watch this"
[Chorus: Miley & Billy Ray]
That's thrill billy
Real hillbilly
That's thrill billy
Till the cows come home
That's down-home style
Mixed with buck wild
So get on down and you'll be proud
Of how you roll
That's thrill billy
That's thrill billy
[Bridge: Miley & Billy Ray]
Come on
Come on
Come on
[Chorus: Miley & Billy Ray]
That's thrill billy
Real hillbilly
That's thrill billy
Till the cows come home
That's down-home style
Mixed with buck wild
So get on down and you'll be proud
Of how you roll
That's thrill billy
That's thrill billy
Thrill hill billy
[Outro: Miley & Billy Ray, Billy Ray & Miley]
So get on down and you'll be proud
Of how you roll
Thank you
London, you rock, you're the greatest in all the wold it's been an honor and a privilege to be with you
Thank you guys so much, have an awesome night
Thank you
Hope to see you all in December
Thank you