Miley Cyrus
Radio Disney Exclusive Interview: Miley Cyrus
Check out an exclusive Radio Disney interview with Miley Cyrus

Alright, so, best gift you've ever received for a holiday gift?
My karaoke machine. That helped me out a lot when I was auditioning. I'd just plug in the little words and I was all good, so my karaoke machine was pretty bomb.
And how about the best gift you've ever gave someone?
I got my brother fall for this Christmas, hope he doesn't like hear this or something, I got him a brand new video iPod so that's probably gonna bе one of the best gifts 'causе my brother loves music and he has like a Nano right now and he's always wanted the video iPod so I got him them, like an iPod player so that's gonna be a pretty good gift to give
Yeah, heck, yeah
I'd want that
Got to give
Do you have one?
I have one and I love it. Actually I just found it. I lost it but it turned out that my dad took it. My dad had it in his car listening to my stuff until I found it, so I'm happy.
New Year's resolution, do you have any?
Let's think, what do I want? I don't know, I hope just another, like, great year, like, you know? This year has been awesome and I spent New Year's Eve with Emily, she came in and spent the night at my house, so we stayed up. We were like, "Okay, we're gonna stay up so late, we're never gonna go to bed," and it's like 12:04 and we're knocked out until finally we wake up, you know, at 12:06 and were up and it's out New Years, so we had fun and we just, you wanna hopefully another year we wished for last year.
Do you guys have any traditions that you like to do either for like Christmas or New Year's?
We're pretty simple, we just gonna make sure we have our dinner 'cause we're from Tennessee so we like to eat and we're definetly Southern food type holiday, so we wanna, you wanna, that's our favorite part about just getting together and eating together.
What's the spread? What's on the table?
Uh, everything. We always, you know, turkey, gravy, all kinda stuff like that. All the most Southern things so that my gramma can come and over and just like, fry, and it's like awesome but only the good stuff that you can get from Nashville.
Is there anything, like, unique to the South or to like Nashville, that's—?
Let's think, well people put ketchup in the maccaroni, which we kind of like, there's two bowls of maccaroni that like put out, one with ketchup already in it and then people like me that don't wanna eat like the ketchup in the maccaroni type thing. So, that's my like little plain bowl but just work that in there. It's kind of nasty. But it's actually, it's okay, I just don't like the thought of it. I think that should be more for like hot-dogs and stuff like that, not for maccaroni.
I've seen people do that, I don't think I've ever tried
I know, it's not that great, I wouldn't. It just kind of grosses me out. I don't really like the mixed food so that just kinda freaks me out.

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