Emily Dickinson
Letter 308 (Cambridge, mid-May 1865) Lavinia N. Dickinson
Dear Vinnie
The Hood is far under way and the Girls think it a Beauty. I am so glad to make it for you, who made so much for me.
I hope the Chimneys are done and the Hemlocks set, and the Two Teeth filled, in the Front yard - How astonishing it will be to me.
I hope Mother is better, and will be careful of her Eye.
The doctor says I must heal while warm Weather lasts, or it will be more troublesome.
How is Margarets lameness? Tell her the Girl's name, here, is Margaret, which makes me quite at Home.
The Pink Lily you gave Loo, has had five flowers since I came, and has more Buds. The Girls think it my influence.
Is Sue still improving? Give her love from us all, and how much we talk of her.
Loo wishes she knew Father's view of Jeff Davis' capture - thinks no one but He, can do it justice.
She wishes to send a Photograph of the Arrest to Austin, including the Skirt and Spurs, but fears he will think her trifling with him. I advised her not to be rash. How glad I should be to see you all, but it wont be long, Vinnie - You will be willing, wont you, for a little while.
It has rained, and been very hot, and Mosquitoes as in August. I hope the flowers are well. The Tea Rose I gave Aunt Lavinia has a flower, now.
Much love for both Houses, from the Girls and me. Is the Lettuce ripe.
Shall you go to Springfield? Persons wear no Bonnets here. Fanny has a Blade of Straw, with Handle of Ribbon.
Aff, Emily.