Emily Dickinson
Letter 249 (early 1862) Samuel Bowles
Dear friend.

If I amaze[d] your kindness - My Love is my only apology. To the people of "Chillon" - this - is enoug[h] I have met - no othe[rs]. Would you - ask le[ss] for your Queen - M[r] Bowles?

Then - I mistake - [my] scale - To Da[?] 'tis daily - to be gran[ted] and not a "Sunday Su[m] Enclosed" - is my [d]efence -

[F]orgive the Gills that ask for Air - if it is harm - to breathe!

To "thank" you - [s]hames my thought!

       Should you but fail at- Sea -
       In sight of me -
       Or doomed lie -
       Next Sun - to die -
       Or rap - at Paradise - unheard -
       I'd harass God
       Until He let you in!
