Emily Dickinson
Letter 247 (about 11 January 1862) Samuel Bowles
Dear friend.

Are you willing? I am so far from Land - To offer you the cup - it might some Sabbath come my turn - Of wine how solemn - full!

Did you get Doubloons - did you vote upon "Robert"? You said you would come in "Febuary." Only three weeks more to wait at the Gate!

While you are sick - we - are homesick - Do you look out tonight? The Moon rides like a Girl - through a Topaz Town - I dont think we shall ever be merry again - you are ill so long -

When did the Dark happen?

I skipped a page - tonight - because I come so often - now - I might have tired you.

That page is fullest - tho'. Vinnie sends her love. I think Father and Mother care a great deal for you - and hope you may be well. When you tire with pain - to know that eyes would cloud, in Amherst - might that comfort - some?


We never forget Mary -