Wednesday morn
We received your letters last evening - or Father and Vinnie did, for I did'nt seem to have any; Vinnie cant write today on account of those metaphysics, to which you so touchingly allude. Father also is very busy, so perhaps you wont object to an article from me.
We are all pretty well at home - Martha is getting better, and Emeline, very slowly. Mat sends her love to you and says she shall write you a letter as soon as she is strong enough to keep letters on the line - she sits up most of the day now, but is not able to confine her attention to anything but a little while at a time, and has not yet been out. I have heard from Susan three times, since I have written you - she is well, and in usual spirits. I think it would make Mat very happy to have a letter from you should you find a leisure hour, although she did not tell me to say so - they always inquire for you at Mrs Wm Cutler's, and Mat would have written you a long time ago had she been able to do so.
Abby Wood is quite sick this week, but I think will be better soon.
Mr Sweetser's house took fire Monday evening and was with great difficulty extinguished - the family did not lie down all night, and the escape was narrow - very. The chimney had been on fire during the day, but no danger was apprehended, and sometime the last of the evening, Mrs Sweetser in going up stairs to give Abby her medicine,thought she smelt smoke in the room. Abby had not perceived it. Mrs S. then opened a door in another direction and the smoke seemed to increase - upon opening the garret door, she saw the flames bursting out from the big timbers near the chimney. Mr Sweetser was at the store - Mrs S. with great presence of mind closed the door, sent at once for Mr. Sweetser, and the family themselves worked until it was morning, pouring water, and sawing away great pieces of timber, until the flames were subdued. The house is a good deal injured, but it is such a miracle that they were not all destroyed that they dont care much for damages. Who did send your letters and Vinnie's music by? We heard accidentally that there was something for us at Wm Kellogg's store, and there they were - we dont know whence - or by whom, tho' we have suspicions of Oliver Watson! The vial and flannel came safely, and are just the things desire. I thank you always for all you do for me, and would love to send you something did I know what you would like. I was on the point one day of buying a pound of peanuts and sending them to you in memory of college days, but Vinnie laughed me out of it - if you will like them tho', and will let me know you shall certainly have them.
Vinnie sends her love to you, and thanks you very much for her music - it is correct. Mother wont come to Boston, probably, this spring - she wants to see you very much, and did think about going some, at the time you were so unwell, but now you are better, and will be at home so soon, she will not think it worth while.
We are all very happy to have you well and happy, and hope you may not be sick in all the rest of the time that you remain in Boston. We have never told you that Pussy has gone - she disappeared about four weeks ago, and we can find nothing of her, so we presume she is dead. We miss her very much, and I think you will miss her, when you come home.
April dont seem quite so far off as it used to, last December - I can almost count the days now, before you are coming home, they seem so few. There are a good many lectures here now, before the Lyceum. Mr Mt Pleasant-Nash, is giving a course of Agricultural ones, twelve in all - and besides a lecture from him once or twice in a week, there is also another from some other gentlemen, on some literary subject. Prof Fowler gave one on Adam Smith, last evening. Tutor Edwards will give the next. Emmons passed the evening here, and Vinnie and I staid home - mother went out with Father, but thought the lecture too high for her unobtrusive faculties. I shall love to get a letter when you have the time.
Mother wants me to add a word in relation to her coming - you will see what she thinks about in the longer sheet - besides the other reasons, there given - Father will be away at Court for three our four weeks to come, most all of the time - this mother thinks an objection, as should she go away too we should be quite alone, and the folks would'nt think that safe. Then she thinks you are very busy, and however happy to see her, and desirous to have her come, yet her visit would necessarily occupy much of your time, and as she will see you so soon at home, she wants me to ask you if you dont agree with her in its not being just the thing, for her to visit you now? Kate Hitchcock is to be married in March. I dont envy her that Storrs. Root, Harrington, Storrs, Emmons, Graves, and the Tutors, come in quite often to see us. Emily Fowler was here Monday afternoon - inquired particularly for you - says Charles is "doing nicely." March is at Harvard - and writes encouragingly in reference to himself. Emily has much to make her sad - I wonder how she endures all her numberless trials. The railroad goes on swimmingly - everything is stir and commotion. The Godfreys have heard from George - he has reached the Isthmus, suffered all things, according to his account, and thinks going to California, quite a little undertaking! He has probably reached the mines before now. Much love from us all.