Emily Dickinson
                                                                                          Monday morning

I will write a word to you, Austin, to send by Mr Watson. I've found your Gaitor shoes, and send them as you desired.

Mary Warner was here on Thursday, has only just got out; influenza is prevalent here - how lucky they took it in Boston, it would have been so vulgar to have imbibed it here among the pools and pastures! Mary said she had finished "Kavanagh," and would return it immediately, which she has not done, or you would receive it now. I should go for it this morning, but it storms and is so icy, that I dare not venture out. You shall have it tho, by the next good opportunity. Mr. Goodale left for California, this morning, George Godfrey meets him in New York, Tuesday.

Emiline Kellogg is quite sick - they have very much feared a fever, but she's rather more comfortable now.

You remember our telling you of a Cousin George Dickinson, from New York, who came to Amherst last summer, when you were away. He passed the Sabbath in town, took tea here, and passed the evening, is a fine fellow, and has a great desire to see you. We had a very quiet New Year's, I had as a gift from Mattie, an exquisite "piece of carpeting," similar to the one Sue gave you, sometime ago!

I dont know anything of the railroad tho' I fancy "things is workin," and so soon as "things has worked" I promise to let you know. I am very glad indeed that you've called upon the Lymans - I think Mary a beautiful person, and will certainly go and see her as soon as she comes to town. I have never known Charlotte at all. Vinnie will tell the Jones' some day when she's out this week.

Mrs Howe has heard from Sabra, she is very happy indeed. Mrs Howe was perfectly delighted with your visit there, the last time you were at home - also Mrs Hartly, and all the tavern gang - have spoken of it frequently, and with much evident pleasure. Goodbye, Austin, hope you are happy and well, and would write much more, but your stockings call me.

                                                                                                 Aff yr sister,
