Emily Dickinson
                                                                                           Thursday noon

I cant write but a syllable, Austin, my letter ought to be in - it is 2'o'clock even now, but I do want to thank you for what I read last evening - I want you to know we think of you every morning and noon, I want to tell you that Father is not at home this week, therefore you do not hear concerning your plans from him. He went to Greenfield Monday, uncertain whether he'd get home that day, or two days after. We had a letter yesterday saying he will come home today, and I presume he will write you immediatel upon his getting home. If I am selfish Austin, I tell you you must come home - it seems a good many days to take from your little visit, but you know better than I what is best about it. Father will be at Boston, and I think he seems inclined to have you wait the Convention. I hope and Vinnie hopes, you wont decide to stay. Are you willing to get me once more, two or three times this prescription, and bring it when you come? I have seen much of Mattie since you went away - she is here most every day. Susie has sent me a letter which has been lost on the way - I have had a note from her this week. So many things to tell you, but will not write them now - rather - tell them - dear Ausin, it will be soon!

                                                                Love from all and me and more
