Emily Dickinson
                                                                                           Friday morning

We are waiting for breakfast, Austin, the meat and potato and a little pan of your favorite brown bread are keeping warm at the fire, while father goes for shavings.

While we were eating supper Mr Stephen Church rang the door bell very violently and offerred to present us with three barrels of shavings. We are much overcome by this act of magnanimity and father has gone this morning to claim his proffered due. He wore a palm leaf hat, and his pantaloons tucked in his boots and I could'nt help thinking of you as he strode along by the window.

I dont think "neglige" quite becoming to so mighty a man. I had rather a jacket of green and your barndoor apparrel, than all the mock simplicity of a lawyer and a man. The breakfast is so warm and pussy is here a singing and the teakettle sings too as if to see which was loudest and I am so afraid lest kitty should be beaten - yet a shadow falls upon my morning picture - where is the youth so bold, the bravest of our fold, a seat is empty here - spectres sit in your chair and now and then nudge father with their long, bony elbows. I wish you were here dear Austin - the dust falls on the bureau in your deserted room and gay, frivolous spiders spin away in the corners. I dont go there after dark whenever I can help it, for the twilight seems to pause there and I am half afraid, and if ever I have to go, I hurry with all my might and never look behind me for I know who I should see.

Before next Tuesday - Oh before the coming stage will I not brighten and brush it, and open the long closed blinds, and with a sweeping broom will I not bring each spider down from its home so high and tell it it may come back again when master has gone - and oh I will bid it to be a tardy spider, to tarry on the way, and I will think my eye is fuller than sometimes, tho' why I cannot tell, when it shall rap on the window and come to live again. I am so happy when I know how soon you are coming that I put away my sewing and go out in the yard to think. I have tried to delay the frosts, I have coaxed the fading flowers, I thought I could detain a few of the crimson leaves until you had smiled upon them, but their companions call them and they cannot stay away - you will find the blue hills, Austin, with the autumnal shadows silently sleeping on them, and there will be a glory lingering round the day, so you'll know autumn has been here, and the setting sun will tell you, if you dont get home till evening. How glad I am you are well - you must try hard to be careful and not get sick again. I hope you will be better than ever you were in your life when you come home this time, for it never seemed so long since we have seen you. I thank you for such a long letter, and yet if I might choose, the next should be a longer. I think a letter just about three days long would make me happier than any other kind of one - if you please, dated at Boston, but thanks be to our Father, you may conclude it here. Everything has changed since my other letter - the doors are shut this morning, and all the kitchen wall is covered with chilly flies who are trying to warm themselves - poor things, they do not understand that there are no summer mornings remaining to them and me and they have a bewildered air which is really very droll, did'nt one feel sorry for them. You would say t'was a gloomy morning if you were sitting here - the frost has been severe and the few lingering leaves seem anxious to be going and wrap their faded cloaks more closely about them as if to shield them from the chilly northeast wind. The earth looks like some poor old lady who by dint of pains has bloomed e'en till now, yet in a forgetful moment a few silver hairs from out her cap come stealing, and she tucks them back so hastily and thinks nobody sees. The cows are going to pasture and little boys with their hands in their pockets are whistling to try to keep them warm. Dont think that the sky will frown so the day when you come home! She will smile and look happy, and be full of sunshine then - and even should she frown upon her child returning, there is another sky, ever serene and fair, and there is another sunshine, tho' it be darkness there - never mind faded forests, Austin, never mind silent fields - here is a little forest whose leaf is ever green - here is a brighter garden - where not a frost has been, in it's unfading flowers I hear the bright bee hum, prithee, my Brother, into my garden come!

                                                                                              Your very aff
