Emily Dickinson
                                                                                           Sunday evening

From what you say Dear Austin I am forced to conclude that you never received my letter which was mailed for Boston Monday, but two days after you left - I dont know where it went to, Father wrote on the outside, and to care of Uncle Loring, and waiting from day to day and receiving no reply, I naturally grew rather crusty and resolved to reserve my mss for youths more worthy of them; this will account for the fact that you heard nothing by Bowdoin. In neither of your letters, for which I heartily thank you, have you made any mention of my departed letter - Bowdoin thinks you told him you had not heard from home, and quite surprised at it, and grieved to have you think you were forgotten so quick, I will try the post again, if I cant be more successful. I'm glad you are so well pleased, I am glad you are not delighted, I would not that foreign places should wear the smile of home. We are quite alarmed for the boys, hope you wont kill, or pack away any of em, so near Dr. Webster's bones t'ant strange you have had temptations! You would not take it amiss if I should saw we laughed some when each of your letters came - your respected parents were overwhelmed with glee, and as for the young ladies they gave a smile or so by way of recognizing your descriptive merits. Father remarks quite briefly that he "thinks they have found their master," mother bites her lips, and fears you "will be rash with them" and Vinnie and I say masses for poor Irish boys souls. So far as I am concerned I should like to have you kill some - there are so many now, there is no room for the Americans, and I cant think of a death that would be more after my mind than scientific destruction, scholastic dissolution, there's something lofty in it, it smacks of going up! Wont you please to state the name of the boy that turned the faintest, as I like to get such facts to set down in my journal, also anything else that's startling which you may chance to know - I dont think deaths or murders can ever come amiss in a young woman's journal - the country's still just now, and the severities alluded to will have a salutary influence in waking the people up - speaking of getting up, how early are metropolitans expected to wake up, especially young men - more especially schoolmasters? I miss "my department" mornings - I lay it quite to heart that I've no one to wake up. Your room looks lonely enough - I do not love to go in there - whenever I pass thro' I find I 'gin to whistle, as we read that little boys are wont to do in the graveyard. I am going to set out Crickets as soon as I find time that they by their shrill singing shall help disperse the gloom - will they grow if I transplant them?

You importune me for news, I am very sorry to say "Vanity of vanities" there's no such things as news - it is almost time for the cholera, and then things will take a start!

We have had a man to take tea, a Mr Marsh by name - he went to school with Father.

I think him a "man of cares" tho' I know nothing concerning him - another important item, so far as I can judge - I think he's for "law and order." Susie and Martha come often. Sue was here on Friday, for all afternoon yesterday - I gave the manslaughter extract to the infinite fun of Martha! They miss you very much - they send their "united loves." Vinnie rode with Howland yesterday, and Emily Fowler and William Cowper, Dickinson also, at the same time - had a fine ride. The Reading club seems lonely - perhaps it weeps for you.

Dwight Cowan does very well - the Horse is quite "uncommon." Hunt is shingling the barn. We are going to have some new hens - a few.

I reserve the close for bad news - we cant come to hear Jennie - we are coming, but cant now. There are several reasons why - the first we are not near ready - Miss Leonard is coming this week - Grandmother is coming to see us - if we go now we cant stay any - we cannot come now and again - it would be all haste and confusion - we should have to hurry home, and we do not think it best. We shall come before long, when we are all prepared - "two monuments of the past" would make quite a stir in Boston! You must'nt be disappointed, nor blame the folks at all - they would be perfectly willing if we tho't best ourselves. Give our love to our friends, thank them much for their kindness; we will come and see them and you tho' now it is not convenient. All of the folks send love.

                                                                                                          Your aff


Mother says if there's anything more you want, if you will only write us Mrs Kimberly will make it - also if you have any things which you would like to send home Henry Kellogg is there, and you can send by him. Write as often as possible. Take care of yourself -

Special love to Emily, and the little cousins.