Amherst, [Mass. April 18th 1842]
My dear Brother
As Father was going to Northampton and thought of coming over to see you I thought I would improve the opportunity and write you a few lines - We miss you very much indeed you cannot think how odd it seems without you there was always such a Hurrah wherever you was I miss My bedfellow very much for it is rare that I can get any now for Aunt Elisabeth is afraid to sleep alone and Vinnie has to sleep with her but I have the privilege of looking under the bed every night which I improve as you may suppose the Hens get along nicely the chickens grow very fast I am afraid they will be so large that you cannot perceive them with the naked Eye when you get home the yellow hen is coming off with a brood of chickens we found a hens nest with four Eggs in it I took out three and brought them in the next day I went to see if there had been any laid and there had not been any laid and the one that was there had gone so I suppose a skonk had been there or else a hen In the shape of a skonk and I dont know which - the Hens lay finely William gets two a day at his house we 5 or 6 a day here there Is one Creeper that lays on the ground the nests are so high that they cannot reach them from the ground I Expect we shall have to make some ladders for them to get up on William found the hen and Rooster after you went away that you could not find we received your letter Friday morning and very glad we were to get it you must write oftener to us the temperance dinner went off very well the other day all the Folks Except Lavinia and I there were over a Hundred there the students thought the dinner too cheap the tickets were a half a dollar a piece and so they are going to have a supper tomorrow Evening which I suppose will be very genteel Mr Jones has found in looking at his policy that his insurance is 8 thousand dollars instead of 6 which makes him feel a great deal better than he did at first Mr Wilson and his wife took tea here the other night they are going to move wednesday - they have made out to get one of the Mt Pleasant Buildings to its place of distinction which is a matter of great rejoicing to the public it was really was Enough to make ones Eyes ache and I am glad it has got out of sight and hearing too - there are going to be great fixing up I expect in those buildings we are all very well and hope you are the same - we have very pleasant weather now Mr Whipple has come and we expect Miss Humphrey tomorrow - Aunt Montague - has been saying you would cry before the week was out Cousin Zebina had a fit the other day and bit his tongue into - as you say it is a rainy day and I can think of - Nothing more to say - I shall Expect an answer to my letter soon Charles Richardson has got back and is in Mr Pitkins store Sabra is not running after him at all she had not seen him when I last saw her which was Saturday I suppose she would send her respects to you if she knew I was going to write to you - I must now close - all send a great deal of love to you and hope you are getting along well and - Enjoy your self -
Your affectionate Sister Emily -