Digital Underground
Hoo’s Hoo
- We damn near close to home, but tonight, y'all gon' see some shit y'all probably ain't heard or seen from the rest of the tour. Just remember I said that, a'ight? Follow a n***a and you gon' have fun
- D.U., baby, it's nothin', baby, wha
- Okay, so here we are backstage live at the DNA Lounge where D.U.'s about to hit the stage in about ten minutes. So, uh, who are these guys right here? (That's Element) (Yo, that's Element) (It consists myself, Dialect, Metaphysical). (Check out, check out Element)
- Okay, Element. And what's the new DJ's name? (DJ Nu-Stylez) (Nu-Stylez) DJ who? (Nu-Stylez, make some noise)
- Wow, DJ Nu-Stylez. And uh, okay, who's this right here? (Oh, that's Esinchill) (I'm a walking stage-dive, ha ha ha ha)
- Okay, Esinchill, he's a walking stage-dive, ladies and gentlemen. And he'll be one of the many MC's on stage performing tonight. Ooh, look, Money B. Money B, this next song, "Meeheadsoon," can you tell us who it features?
- Featuring Esinchill, myself, the D.U. camp
- Well, okay, Shock G, you wanna take us into it?
- Yo, this E7L, the Electrocuted Seventh Letter, and right now is the world premiere (World premiere) of "Meeheadsoon." You heard it first right here on DNN (DNN)