Andrea Gibson
Jesus was a revolutionary
a prophet
His mother Mary
was a goddess

Still neither could have prophesized
the dark that is now upon us
Since the Christian right
went wrong

Now white men drop bombs
in the name of a faith
born from a song of thou shall not kill
left the will of their god unheard
every word ignored in the name of profit

While it was their prophet
who broke bread with the poor
walked on bare feet
Now they’re still talking the path of their God
but they’re walking the path of their greed

Preaching do unto others
as you would have them do unto you
but they’ve painted their cross red white
and blew 140,000 Japanese people away in one day
they will always be their brothers’ keepers
as long as their brothers are rich and white
You only have to look at the facts
death row is black
Those clothes on American backs sewn by brown hands
in lands they’ve made theirs for the taking
raping whole cultures
while proclaiming themselves holy
but there are holes in their truth so deep
Jesus would weep for His own name being like that

Christian means Christ-like
and Christ was neither white nor like this
Neither white nor like your so-called Christian right
(there’s no such thing as a right wing
wings are made for angels
and I’m yet to see a halo on your head
blasphemy defines the things you’ve said)

Quoting scripture amidst your war cry
your belly full and warm
while millions die beneath the weight of your sins
and there are days I’m ashamed
to wear the color of your skin
there are days I’m ashamed
I ever prayed to the same god as you
but really I don’t believe I did
I don’t believe that’s true
Because Christian means Christ-like
and Christ was not like you
not like this
wasn’t bound to the cross
wearing combat boots and clenched fists

Tonight the world wails an unbearable suffering
and you are the thorns and nails
How many more will you crucify with your white lies
deeming yourself supreme and above
when your God’s love
is the last thing you’ve ever lived by

Better cross your heart and hope you die a peaceful death
before Jesus comes back
finds his way to NBC and CBS
calls you out on all war you been living
and all the peace you been talking
Now that would be some reality TV
worth watching