Ladies ladies
Do you know what I like about ladies?
Do you know what I like about you all?
I like how you control me like bowling balls you bowl me
At my console you console me
You treat me so good
I'll scratch 'neath your hood thing and point with my wood thing How can I ever thank you?
I'll tank you then spank you
I will take you all on at once
Line up
Ladies line up
Ladies line up
Line up
I love you all
Ladies ladies
Do you know what I like about ladies?
Do you know what I like about you all?
I like your men folks
Those dumb blokes soft as a egg yolks
Those folks who keep you dressed up in gowns with breasts pressed up like petal rose pistol and fed fat on plump hen
Thank God for men
Thank God for husbands
Oh, those useless blunt tools
Those blind muddled fools
Keep them busy behind their men-desks and we'll keep busy too
Hey! Hey!
Give me more wine
Pour me more booze please
Get me an army of floozies
Ladies I love you all
Ladies ladies
Do you know what I like about ladies?
Do you know what I like about you all?
I like to maul you and brawl you and basebat ball you
Shake something in my face
Shake anything at all
Shake anything you want
Shake off your lace
Shake it off shake it off shake that dress off
Pass hip joint and roast rump then post pump my center stump
Hey! Hey!
I will take you all on at once
Line up
Ladies line up
Ladies line up
Line up
I love you all
Show me that shiny soft damp space
That shiny soft damp space
That shiny soft damp space
That shiny soft damp space