Dave Malloy
new life
​i. new life

​it’s hard man
​so fucking hard

​after jackie and i split up—
​jackie, that’s my ex—
​i spent a couple months just drifting
Awkward couches of friends
Various sad airbnbs
Lonely cheap hotels

​but when i finally got my own place
​i thought:
​okay, new space!
​new life, new face!
​no more time for doom and despair!

​i will renew myself now
​there is still life within me
​there is love within me
​if i work on myself now
​there will be new love
​it’s waiting for me somеwhere
​i will becomе a better person
​i will learn from my mistakes
​i will reach out to all my friends
​i will take care of myself

​i will become a better person
​i will learn from my mistakes
​i will reach out to all my friends
​i will take care of myself

​and ​i will

​make my bed

​and ​i will meet new people
​i will be out in the world!
​i will vibe
​i will thrive
​i will finally be alive

​i will become actualized!
​i will finally be my true self!
​i will learn
​to love new people
​and i will learn
​how to be loved

​but then…
​but then the lockdown hit
​and i was alone
​in a new home
​my new “bachelor pad.”