vii. blood
(grandfather disappears. susan is left with grandmother.)
i went to latvia
to run away from myself
but instead i found myself
in the ghost of my grandpapa
you can’t escape your ancestors
blood runs too deep
there is so much more of their lives that i want to know:
tiny child zelma running through fields of tulips
stoic young erik in his army uniform
the story of zelma’s journey back to latvia after my mother was grown
my mother knows some of these stories
but she doesn’t talk about it
she had issues with her mother
i’m so sorry grandmama
that’s alright susan
after all, who says it’s true?
(grandmother leaves.)
SUSAN (losing it)
sometimеs i see my grandmama outside that barn door
she unsheathеs a thick latvian sword
protecting her child from the darkness
sometimes i see julian there instead
sword raised against the demon inside of me
the demon that led him to leave me
(wolf places the mic stand back on the stage.)
that led me to leave him
(he gestures to the mic.)
time’s up. you did good
i think maybe i’m not the hero in this story
i think maybe i’m the wolf
(wolf takes a cigarette and blows a loooooooooong exhale of smoke into susan’s face
susan puts the microphone down as the lights fade. light applause from wolf, sadie, and beckett as the bar loop from the first scene resumes.)
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