Gift of Gab

Adventures of a Reluctant Superhero (2019)

Our Pathetic Age (2019)

Fine Print (2018)

Rejoice! Rappers are Rapping Again! (2017)

When Justice Comes (2017)

The Feeling of Flying (2015)

The Night Took Us In Like Family (2015)

Graal (2012)

Hotdoggin (2011)

Guilty Pleasures (2009)

Say G&E (2009)

The Spirit of Apollo (2009)

Droppin’ Science Fiction (2008)

JapanPopShow (2008)

From the Corner to the Block (2007)

Look at All the Love We Found: A Tribute to Sublime (2005)

NBA 2K6 Soundtrack (2005)

True & Livin’ (2005)

Coup De Theatre (2004)

Everyone Deserves Music (2003)

Later That Day... (2003)

Quannum Presents Solesides Greatest Bumps (2000)

These R the Tales (2000)

The Muzapper’s Mixes (1997)

Quannum Presents Solesides' Greatest Bumps

U.S.S.R. - Life From the Other Side