初音ミク (Hatsune Miku)
Cyber Sweet Bakery
We’re open everyday
Don’t be afraid to say “Hello”
Just past the hard drive, under where the pastel lights glow
Take a leap of faith through the double doors and you will see
Quality, here at the Cyber Sweet Bakery!

Behind the monitor, can't you see?
Inches away
A world of wonder's waiting for you
It's your special day

Hey now!
1 2 3 and we dive in
You don't know where to begin?
Anything's fine so take a BYTE!
It's alright, first time is on the house \ ( ˙꒳​˙ )

We're open еveryday
Don't be afraid to say "Hello"
Colorful toppings dancing thеir way into your heart
Making sure to follow the code within the recipe
A blissful escape from reality!
Lemon pie topped with cream
Chocolate majesty
Let me know
Whatever flavor's on your mind and I'll get to work
Simulating happiness for you is my specialty
After all, this is the Cyber Sweet Bakery!
One in a million chance, you and I
We're two of a kind
Floating along the data current
Without any trace...

Hey, I know!
Let's keep it going
Our pace is never slowing
The stream of sugar multiplies
Just like that
It becomes a light to guide you alongside your path

We're open night and day
Don't be afraid to stay for a while
No matter how dark the world may seem
You'll always have me
Picking out a BGM fitting for this masterpiece
I'll stick by your side through everything
Cupcakes and rootbeer floats
Apple pie à la mode
Let me know
Whatever flavor's on your mind and I'll get to work
Simulating happiness for you is my specialty
Come on in, welcome to Cyber Sweet Bakery!

I wasn't built to feel these things
But you always fascinate me
Learn what it means to be human
A brand new kind of candy
Sometimes you make mistakes
You get egg on your face, well that’s new!
Colorful toppings guiding your way into my heart
Everything inside is an unknown 404
But every bite has me hoping for more
Come with me...

We're open everyday
Don't be afraid to say "Hello"
Colorful toppings dancing their way into your heart
Making sure to follow the code within the recipe -
But that's not as fun as what you taught me!
Lemon pie topped with cream
Chocolate majesty
Let me know
Whatever flavor's on your mind and I'll get to work
Simulating happiness for you is my specialty
After all, this is the Cyber Sweet Bakery!

So cyber sweet~
Oh, majesty~
Just past the hard drive, under pastel lights
Yes, I'll always be here

(I'll always be here... ooh yeah)