初音ミク (Hatsune Miku)
苦しむ子供たち (The Suffering Children) [ENGLISH LYRICS]
Can't you see? The children are dying
Can't you see? The nooses are tightening!
Can't you see? The infants are wailing
Can't you see? The children are dying!
Test scores, test scores...Who cares?
Well certainly this girl over here, she studies and studies....
Yet, no matter how hard she tries
The results are always the same...
The noose is being tied
(stretch, stretch)
The screaming intensifies
Oh, if only she reached out for someone
It's too late now
Can't you see? The children are dying
Can't you see? The nooses are tightening!
Can't you see? The infants are wailing
Can't you see? The children are dying!
A boy gets bullied
Yet, keeps it to himself
What a mistake
"How about you take a dive off the roof!"
He's going on the roof
(walk, walk)
The screaming intensifies
Oh, if only he reached out for someone
It's too late now
Can't you see? The children are dying
Can't you see? The nooses are tightening!
Can't you see? The infants are wailing
Can't you see? The children are suffering!
They can't help themselves
That's why they commit!
Why can't you see?
That no one can help them!