Andrew Huang
The Touchtone Genius
(Phone rings)

Hello, I am the Touchtone Genius, master of voices
I, I'm sorry for waking you so early in the morning but it's very urgent I play you something
You see, the police are looking for me...
(What? Hello? Hello?)

I am so rich
I have won the lottery!
(What is this?)
And then the guy goes...
I am going to buy a sports car
You must buy me a fur coat
I am going to purchase the fastest sports car
You idiot buy me a diamond ring
(Wow, this is ridiculous, but I dare say this is the most fabulous phonecall I have ever received, in my entire life)
A sports car
A sports car
A sports car
Hoo ha ha ha ha hahaha
(Oh bravo)
So it goes on for a while...
(Oh, sorry)

Your mom's fat!
(Uh... erm... what just happened?)