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(Keiichi Okabe)
(Keiichi Okabe)
NieR:Automata (Original Soundtrack) (2017)
City Ruins / Rays of Light
Peaceful Sleep
Birth of a Wish
Voice of no Return / Guitar
Weight of the World (English Ver.)
Wretched Weaponry: Medium / Dynamic
Possessed by Disease
Weight of the World (Kowaretasekainouta)
Song of the Ancients / Atonement
Weight of the World (Nouveau / FR Ver.)
Weight of the World / The End of YoRHa
NieR:Automata Arranged & Unreleased Tracks (2017)
City Ruins (Arranged by AJURIKA)
Magnificent (2015)
Ashes of Dreams (Emi Evans & J’Nique Nicole Vocals)
City Ruins
City Ruins
Song of the Ancients - Lost Androids Mixuxux
Amusement Park
Blu-bird - Hansel und Gretel
Emil (Addendum version)
Hills of Radiant Winds
Hills of Radiant Winds
Hills of Radiant Winds - Another Edit Version
Peaceful Sleep (Arranged by Cheng Bi Meets Masato Ishinari)
Birth of a Wish
Hills of Radiant Winds
Memories of Dust
The Incomplete Stone
The Incomplete Stone
クロイウタ (Kuroiuta)
Memories of Dust
Song of the Ancients (Emi Evans & J’Nique Nicole Vocals)
還ラナイ声 (Voice of no Return)
A Beautiful Song
Kainé (Addendum version)
Pascal (Arranged by Ryu Kawamura)
Song of the Ancients / Popola
Voice of Replicant
The Wretched Automatons
Vague Hope
A Beautiful Song (Emi Evans & J’Nique Nicole Vocals)
Fleeting Words - Another Edit Version
Song of the Ancients / Devola
Song of the Ancients – Atonement (CD version)
Pascal (CD version)
Song of the Ancients - Another Edit Version
The Wretched Automatons
The Wretched Automatons
The Wretched Automatons / A Cappella
Weight of the World
Crumbling Lies - Front (Addendum version)
Shadowlord - Another Edit Version
The Sound of the End
Imperfect blue
Song of the Ancients (Weiss Edition Arrangement) [Sample]
Song of the Ancients / Popola
Weight of the World (Emi Evans & J’Nique Nicole Vocals)
Ashes of Dreams
Temple of Drifting Sands
Temple of Drifting Sands
Weight of the World (Arranged by ZANIO)
The Wretched Automatons - Weiss Edition Arrangement
Vague Hope (Emi Evans Vocals)
Ashes of Dreams / New
Song of the Ancients - Weiss Edition Arrangement
Hills of Radiant Winds - Weiss Edition Arrangement
Song of the Ancients / Devola
Temple of Drifting Sands - Weiss Edition Arrangement
Fleeting Words - Weiss Edition Arrangement
Ashes of Dreams - Weiss Edition Arrangement
Dark Colossus / Kaiju
The Dark Colossus Destroys All
Song of the Ancients / Hollow Dreams
The Dark Colossus Destroys All
Wretched Weaponry: Quiet
Ashes of Dreams / Nouveau
Ashes of Dreams / Naudhaich
Fleeting Words / Family
Fleeting Words / Outsider
Song of the Ancients / Fate
War & War
Song of the Ancients / Hollow Dreams
Song of the Ancients / Fate
Ashes of Dreams / New
Ashes of Dreams / Nouveau
Ashes of Dreams / Nuadhaich
Ashes of Dreams / Aratanaru
Shadowlord - White-note remix
Ashes of Dreams / Aratanaru
Eidos 7 - Silent Street
My Dream (Romaji Ver.)
Voice of No Return
Weight of the World (From ”Nier: Automata”)
Weight of the World (From ”Nier: Automata”)
Weight of the World (Japanese Version)
サキワフハナ (Sakiwafu Hana)
ハナコトバ (Hanakotoba)
ホシトハナ (Hoshi to Hana)
勇者たちのララバイ (Yuusha-tachi no Lullaby)
夜汽車 (Yogisha)