Unknown Artist
Anti Rachel Interlude
This message lasts two minutes:
This is for Rachel you big, fat, white, nasty, smelling, fat, bitch. Why you took me off the motherfuckin schedule with your triffilin dirty, white, racist, ass, you big fat bitch. Oompa loompa body, ass bitch. Im coming up there and Im gonna beat the fuck out of you bitch and dont even call the police today cause Im gonna come up there unexpected and wait on your motherfuckin ass bitch. Im coming to beat the fuck out of you bitch cause you did that on purpose with your aundry racist white ass thin haired bitch. Watch im coming up there to fuck you up bitch. Im telling you watch, I know what king of car you drive. Im gonna beat your ass bitch cause imma show you not to play with Jasmine Collin's money bitch thats the first thing you did and you got me fucked up cause bitch I told you what the fuck was going on. You white mother fuckers hate to see black people doing good or doing good or doing anything for the motherfuckin sleves. Ugly, fat, white bitch. Watch, im telling you im coming up there to beat your mother fucking ass, thin haired, smelling white dog, smelling ass bitch. Watch, im coming to fuck you up cause you got me fucked up. Gonna sit up there and try to do that little audry was shit bitch you aundry since the first day I came up there talking about a bitch that had on pajamas but you walking around here in some ten dollar ass jeans on dirty dusty white bitch. Sit up there behinf that counter smelling like cheese, bitch, stinky, fat, white ass bitch and you gonna try to not answer this phone Im coming to fuck you up. Im telling you you better remember who i am cause bitch you gonna run when you see me cause Im coming to fuck you up bitch. Wanna sut up and play me about my motherfuckin money, wanna play about motherfuckin money bitch. You gonna sit up there and try to do that bitch little do you know little do you know I know enough people watch. Im coming to fuck you up, Im promising you that I promise you Im coming to fuck you up you fat stinky white bitch thin haired yellow tuck mouth nasty ass bitch, You stink, you smell like fucking cheese and you got the trifflin ass attitude. Imma beat that attitude up out you bitch, watch you treat everybody like that all these old blac people that you do like that you in the wrong position you trifflin and you racist bitch sit up there and did all this shit and I told you what the fuck was going on gonna tell me that I worked at that motherfuckin job when Im telling you the fuck I didn't bitch hy the fuck would I lie about some shit like that watch I finna come there and beat your motherfuckin ass you better not get out that car bitch im telling you fucking-