William Finn
Marvin at the Psychiatrist (A 3-Part Mini-Opera)
My father says that love
Is the most beautiful thing in the world
I think games are
I think chess is the most
Beautiful thing
Not love
Marvin at the Psychiatrist, a three-part mini-opera
Part One:
Do you love him?
Sorta kinda
Do you need him?
Sorta kinda
He makes me smile a lot
Especially at mealtime
It makes me feel I'm sort of smart
Is he special?
He's delightful
And romantic?
Yes, but spiteful
And yet it seems that so am I
Just enjoy what you can
Love the boy, not the man
Sorta stylish
Kinda very
Mmm, very very sorta
And kind of hard to describe...?
Yes, you know, I think that's true
When he's naked-
Does he thrill you?
Is he vicious?
Would he kill you?
I think he's sorta kinda mean
But I love him, and I need it
If he loved me, I'd concede it
Don't despise what you feel
Love the friend, not the heel
He's sometimes worthless
Sometimes evil
Sometimes smarmy
Part Two:
It's queer, Mr. Marvin- Sorry
Strange, Mr. Marvin
How your wife, your ex-wife’s meager glories
Coupled with her tragic stories
Move me in unreported ways
She's a very good woman
She's a wonderful woman
Do you mind that?
She was here to speak of Jason
And I find that
I hope Jason acts out more
'Cause there’s a few more things we need explored
Oh no, I understand
Good, very good, very very good
I feel a lot better already
Going on
Was she a vicious woman?
Did she beat the child?
Did she ever drive you wild?
Never, never, never, never?
No, no, no!
Was she faithful? Be objective
Oh, yes
She was faithful
And her last caress was
You mean careful?
Not to show she cared
So you weren't prepared
For the crying
And the screaming
And the beating of the breast
Oh- I don't wanna be rude
Does she sleep in the n***?
No, going on
Did you like that?
Would she change it if she knew you didn't like that?
Did she wear a negligé?
Could you blow and it would blow away?
I don't mean to interfere
I would like to make that very clear
Part Three:
My son's distressing
My father's snide
I'm convalescing
He's morbid and dissatisfied
What should I do now?
He loves another
I agree
I love my mother
Why not me?
We go to ball games
The ball is tossed
The pitcher's handsome
And our team lost
Is that my problem?
Should I be blamed for that?
Explore museums
Admire art
We stand together
But we stand there looking miles apart
How do I reach him?
What words of wisdom?
What should I do now?
My father says that love
Is the most beautiful thing in the world
I think games are
I think chess is the most
Beautiful thing
Not love
Marvin at the Psychiatrist, a three-part mini opera
The End