Icons Of Filth
Riddled With Guilt
My first is in myself and my stealth and my wealth
My seconds in nature, so why question myself?
My third is a world that I rape of resource and my fourth is in horsemen and law and enforcement
Protect, state of neglect, serve, Gods and Masters, Fidie Defensors
My fifths incontinent, I can't help but pass then my sixth has no sense, deaf, dumb, blind to the last end
My seventh's in heaven, so you can go to hell then
My eighth is the wonder you're still in your shell when you might create some light first
Before you then curse your enforced darkness
My ninth is my lives and in each one I'm dealt, my tenth's a commandment to go fuck yourself, and...
What am I?... What am I?...What am I?... What am I?... What am I?