A Great Day for Counting
Playing outside, it's a beautiful day
The sun is shining in a beautiful way
I look down, and what do I see?
Three little daffodils waving at me
One, two, three
One, two, three
Three little daffodils waving at me
They're so pretty, me-oh-my
But something else just caught my eye
Move a little closer, what do I see?
Six little ladybugs smiling at me
One, two, three
Four, five, six
Six little ladybugs smiling at me
It's a great day for counting!
Come on let's count - one, two, three
It's a great day for counting
And you can always count on me!
Playing outside is so much fun
On a beautiful day out in the sun
But I look up and what do I see?
Nine little clouds drifting over me
One, two, three
Four, five, six
Seven, eight, nine
Nine little clouds drifting over me
Everybody's running, where did they go?
Do they know something I don't know?
Drip, drop, drip. Well, what I do I see?
Ten little raindrops falling on me
One, two, three
Four, five, six
Seven, eight, nine, ten
Ten little raindrops falling on me
It's a great day for counting!
A super day to be with friends
It's a great day for counting
And now let's count to ten once again!
One, two, three
Four, five, six
Seven, eight, nine, ten!