It is an emergency. In order to survive as a species we need to define our utopia.
The paris climate accord is a modern utopia impossible to imagine, but overcoming our environmental challenges is the only way we can survive.
We have to imagine something that doesn’t exist, carve intentionally into the future and demand space for hope, weave a matriarchal dome.
Let’s imagine a world wherе nature and technology collaborate and makе a song about it, a musical mockup, then move into it. Let’s write music for our destination.
In mythologies around the world, after a disaster one captures the spirit with a flute and starts anew. Carved out of the first fauna. We arrive on a new island with mutant species, unknown hybrids of birds and plants.
Our past is on loop, turn it off. Let’s be intentional about the light. Imagine a future. Be in it.“