Tom T. Hall
How’d You Get Home So Soon
It was Memorial Day in '81
I left the city and I drove back home
I stopped by the grave of a childhood friend
And as I stood there I talked to him and I said
How'd you get home so soon Bill I knew you way back then
We were pals back in those days much too young to have friends
I left town bout when you did I've been makin' up tunes
Ain't it strange how they play this game how'd you get home so soon
How'd you get home so soon Bill I knew you had to ask
She married some guy from Dayton left and she never came back
To tell you the truth I liked her but boy that's been many a moon
I'm still playing games on the same old range how'd you get home so soon
I did some time in the Army but you don't wanna hear about that
Made easy money the hard way it all goes for toys and for tax
Whiskey tastes better than ever the ladies they look better too
Well Bill I'm down I'll see you around how'd you get home so soon