GG Allin
(stage patter 6 and conclusion)
Club announcer's words are in boldface; GG's words are in regular text


Yeah! Thanks for the mouthful of piss. I needed a mouthful of piss, and I got it. You know what I mean? It's very good. I like to have female piss, but I'll take whatever I can get, 'cuz piss is piss is piss. Hey, how many other people would you see up here drinking a guy's fuckin' piss? Okay, I did it. What are you gonna do? I don't care, I'll drink your piss again.

Okay, we've got to tune up, 'cuz they're out of tune.

[indistinct shout from audience]

'Cuz it's a scumfuc tradition! All right. This is the longest set I've ever played in the last five yеars. I gotta tell ya, I don't know why we're still up hеre. Probably because I haven't shit yet. And it don't fuckin' matter. I don't care. You can throw your... if you guys want to go in the bathroom and shit, and come up here and throw it, I don't care. I don't care if you throw piss in my face. What are you gonna do, right? What are you gonna do to me? The guy can't even hit the fuckin' pole.

I mean, I've been covered with piss tonight. I've been covered with scum and shit and every fuckin' thing. Who cares, right? Who gives a fuck? What are you people gonna do? What do you want to do? What did you come [?] I came 'cuz I figured you people'd be stupid enough to pay the money to get in to see a fuckin' asshole like me. That's all I came here for, was to rape some fuckin' girls, and I don't give a fuck. Do I care? I came here to buy some underwear. I've got one pair around my neck.

I could get... I guess I could get fucked anytime I want in New Hampshire. So why did I come here? I don't even know. I wasn't gonna come, that's the thing. I didn't want to come. 'Cuz I figured you people were really gonna fuckin' suck my fuckin' dick. And that's why I came, 'cuz I was hoping maybe you would.

The thing is, all the girls are standing in back, and everybody else. And I drink too much, 'cuz I like to drink. And I'd like another drink, actually. And I think I just found one.

But the thing is, we're not professional people here. We're not your fuckin' everyday goddamn band that you come to see on a Sunday. Black Flag, Dead Kennedys. Who cares about those fuckin' straight-edge cocksuckers? Do you really care? 'Cuz the only way to go is fuckin' scumfuckin', cocksuckin' rock and roll. The lowest life of fuckin' rapists that you can be. And all you've got to do is hate niggers, hate spics, and hate everybody, and be a goddamn scumfuc.

Fuck everybody! I hate everybody. I don't care about a fuckin' thing. I don't care about no other band. I don't care about a fuckin' thing. What do you want? What do you like?

[indistinct shout from audience]

Fuck me? You want to fuck me? Yeah, fuckin' suck my fuckin' dick. Suck my ass. Want to suck my asshole? Fuckin' right here. Right here. Suck my asshole, buddy. Suck my asshole! Suck my asshole. You're a faggot.
All right, the cops are here. One of these is piss, I know. I like it, though.

All right, they just told me we're gonna stay on the stage, we're gonna stay [slurred, indistinct] Hey, everybody in here, you can all go home right now if you want. It's no big deal to me. We're gonna do the rest of our set, we're gonna [?]

[off mic, to someone backstage] Five minutes! No, no, we've got five minutes.

We've got five fuckin' minutes.

[about a minute of tape hiss and indistinct conversation between GG and someone backstage]

All right, we gotta get off the fuckin' stage, the guy said. So fuck you. I hope you all get killed on the way home. And I don't give a fuck about each and every one of you, so eat my asshole! You want more? Fuck you!

Okay, let's thank GG Allin for a great set!