GG Allin
(stage patter 2)
GG's words are in regular text, other band members in bold, a random guy in the audience who took the mic at one point in bold italics


I'm the fuckin' blood for you! Who took my fuckin' glass? I want the fuckin' glass. Where's the fuckin' glass? No, I want that fuckin' glass. Don't fuckin' touch it, cunt.

[audience members yelling out requests, including "I Fuck the Dead"]

Okay! No, we're not fuckin' the dead. "Teacher's Pet!"

Come on, you fuckers! Spit! Throw shit! Don't fuckin' be a cocksucker! Do it to me! C'mon, more!

That guy was [?]

Come on! Come on, you can do better than that. Come on, give me AIDS. Liberace!

Throw some glass, throw some bottles, all right? I don't give a fuck, all right? So la-di-fuckin'-da.

Wе're gonna stretch this out. It don't matter, I'vе lost all my teeth anyway.

We're gonna do it, man. We've got four songs to go, so don't worry about it. Just till that point, and then we'll do whatever we want.

I was never the teacher's pet!

Okay, we've got some shit here. We've got trouble with the bass player, so we're gonna keep this up. Okay, where's the guy that wants to get his dick sucked? Where's the guy that wants to get his dick sucked? Come on!
This guy, we're gonna see how big his dick is. It looks like a stud, but I don't know. Bring him over here. Drum roll, drum roll, drum roll.

Well, fuckin', [?]. Can he find it? Can he find it? We got it, man. We got it right here. It's almost as small as mine. Let's see what he's got. Urgh, let's see what he's got.

[?] do it, man. We gotta do it.

[audience members yelling out more requests]

"Kill the Children, Save the Food". We'll do it later, man. Next song.

I was never the teacher's pet!

I did it, right?

[audience member yells "Fuck you!"]

Fuck you! Keep this mic...

[audience member takes the mic from GG]

Girls, girls, girls, girls, gimme gimme gimme some head! I like the nasty things that you do to me in bed! Hey, girls, girls, now I want lip service! Yeah yeah yeah... [trails off]

"Gimme Some Fuckin' Head"? We might not even fuckin' do it. So fuck off.

[audience members yelling out more requests]
Fuck you, we'll do what we wanna do! We don't give a fuck. We do what we wanna fuckin' do, so fuck you!

You want to see us, you fuckin' bear with us. I want those underpants. Oh, yeah. Let me have 'em, baby.

I got your underpants, anyway. Filled with piss! Filled with piss. Ahh, yeah.

[audience member yells angrily]

Hey, fuck you! Fuck you, fuckface! We'll do it when we fuckin' want to do it, all right? You can blow me if you want, but we'll fuckin' do it when we want to fuckin' do it.

[audience member yells out a request for "Needle Up My Cock"]

"Needle Up My Fuckin' Cock"?

[more yelling from random frustrated audience members]

We ain't got no bass, so you're gonna have to wait about five or ten fuckin' minutes, if you want. In the meantime, we'll play games. What else are we gonna do, right?

We can either, uh... we can wait ten minutes for the bass, or we can just say fuck it, and the show will be over. I've still got your money. So what do you want me to do? You want me to wait, or you want to say fuck it and we've got your money? I don't give a fuck one way or another.

That didn't hurt, pussy. Pussy! I'll kick the shit out of you, motherfucker. Oh, you say no? Come up here.

[yelling from the audience]

The cops are here! The FBI, the FPC, the motherfuckin' convention! We only did one song!
[yelling from the audience]

We gotta wait for the fuckin' bass player, fuckhead.

[yelling from the audience]

Suck my fuckin' asshole.

We could do it without the bass player. Who cares, right? It sounds like shit anyway. You want to hear it without the bass player? Do you give a fuck? We can do it till he's ready. It don't matter if we fuck up [?] anyway, right?

We got... we still got another fuckin' hour. We only know 30 minutes' worth of shit, if we even know that. We don't even know shit.

[yelling from the audience]

We're doin' what we want to fuckin' do, all right?

[yelling from the audience]

Okay, the guy says he wants five minutes. Can you... can you wait five fuckin' minutes?

[audience members jeering loudly, yelling "No!"]

Well that's tough fuckin' shit, cuz if you don't want to fuckin' wait... fuck you too, you fuckin' mohawk fuckin' queer. You've got to wait five minutes, 'cuz you know why? We ain't gonna play for five minutes.

[yelling from the audience]

Fuck me if you want to. Yeah, you fucking cunt. We're gonna fuckin' play the whole set, all right? But we've got to wait five fuckin' minutes, cuz the fuckin' bass player's fucked up, all right? His amp is fucked up.

Don't... don't worry. We're gonna fuck the dog. We're gonna do... what do you got... what do you all want... what did you come here for tonight? What did you come here for? What did you come here for? You want to hear shit. But you're gonna wait five fuckin' minutes.

It don't matter, because, you know, I could stand up here all fuckin' day.

[several band members come up to the mic]

...tell 'em we got till two o'clock. Yeah, we got till two o'clock in the morning to fuckin' party. Till two in the fuckin' morning, so shut the fuck up.


Who took my fuckin' bottle? You little fuckers, you can't drink this shit, but I can. I know you can, you've bought me fuckin' drinks all night. Here, fucker.

Are there any underage children here that want to get laid? All you gotta do is buy me a drink and you can suck my dick. We've got a song called "Ten Year Old Fuck". Is there anybody in here that's ten years old? No, I know you're not ten years old, you grew a fuckin' beard. Ten years old. Little girls, c'mon, let's be real here. I wanna fuck a little... the youngest girl.

Oh wow, that really hurt, man. You're tough.

Is she ten? C'mon. Seriously, c'mon. You wanna be... you wanna... c'mon. Are you ten? How old are you?

[audience member: "Fourteen, close enough."]


[audience member shouting indistinctly]

You ain't fuckin' 20. You can fuck me, I'm giving you the opportunity.

What? I've got AIDS? How do you know? How do you know I've got AIDS? Just come up here. I won't fuck you. I'll just suck on your pussy a little bit.

[audience member shouting indistinctly]

I will do it. If you... okay, well, I'll come after you. I will.

[audience member shouting indistinctly]

What? Just come... just come up. Come on! Just come up. Let's see how much balls this bitch has really got. Come on up. Just lay up here. Come on. Come on! We've got a girl right here, fourteen years old.

You can't even spit on me! Come up here and piss on me. Is that what you want to do? What do you want to do? Why did you come here?

He brought you? Well, you could be a part of the show if you want. And it won't be no show, because I will really do it.

[audience member shouting indistinctly]

Well, I don't know where the fuck he is! What do you want me to do? [?] fuckin' bass player? If I shit, I can't fuckin' play!

If I shit in my hand, will one of you motherfuckers eat it? If I take a shit in my hand...

We're workin' on it. We've been playing a lot of places around the country. But the only reason we're taking our time tonight is 'cause we know you people are pissed off about it, and we really don't give a fuck. All right? I'm up here. I'm getting paid. I'm not taking a shit. I could take a shit right now and throw it at every one of you, and you'd be fuckin' running for the fuckin' exit door because you're a bunch of pussies!

I mean, I could, I could be... I could be... I could go back there right now, and I wouldn't even have to be out here. I could be back there waiting for the fuckin' bass player. I don't give a fuck. Do I give a fuck?

[audience members shout loudly "No!"]

I don't give a fuck. I don't give a fuck if we stand here for the rest of the night and just shoot the fuckin' shit!

[audible bass playing]

And here he is!

'Cause I don't give a fuck!

[audience members shouting indistinctly]

Blood! Blood! Motherfuckin' blood! Blood! I don't care. Because with me, right, it's not afterbirth, it's real blood. 'Cause I'm God. And I think you mother... all right, I'm done bullshittin'. We're gonna play some music now! If you're gonna call it that...