GG Allin
Snakeman’s Dance
I'm a snake, cold and hard
I reveal nothing to you
You only see what I want you to see
My attack will leave no clues

You'll never know what I'm thinking
You'll not penetrate my layers of skin
But when I'm triggered and on the edge
My bite will suck you in

Wrapped around my lies, I'll keep you paralyzed
You think I give a fuck about you, but I'd rather watch you die
Follow me down to my underworld
I'll lead you through romantic thoughts as I strip you to the bone

I'll confront you with my many colors
I'll dazzle you with my eyes
But when it's all been said and done
Your death will be my high

Dance with me in my pit
Dance with me in Hell
Now that you've met the Snakeman
How did I make you feel?

I'm a snake, cold and hard
I reveal nothing to you
You only see what I want you to see
My attack will leave no clues
You'll never know what I'm thinking
You'll not penetrate my layers of skin
But when I'm triggered and on the edge
My bite will suck you
My bite will suck you
My bite will suck you