GG Allin
Conversation #2
SB: Are you there?

GG: Yeah. 

SB: Okay. Uh, what I wanted to do exactly was to get all the addresses for myself...

GG: Mm-kay...

SB: ...and, uh, print up my special postcards. 

GG: Okay, yeah, cool. Cool. I... did I... I sent you those, right?

SB: Mm-hmm. 

GG: Okay, so you got all those addresses. Yeah, I... I just... you know, those... I've got a lot more on the outside. But those are the people that I've just been, like, in contact with since I've been here, so I figure those are your best bets as far as what you're gonna get response to. 

SB: Yeah. 

GG: Um...

SB: I figure, you know, they should get something special for writing you, and everything. 

GG: Right. 

SB: Um... oh, by the way, I like... I like the outside of the envelope. That was great. 
GG: Yeah, I... I've got... I've got a bunch of 'em. I've been doing 'em all up like that, and shit. And I figure I'd get better resp... did you see the, uh, new Chic magazine?

SB: No, I didn't... I didn't get it yet. 

GG: It's cool, man. On the cover, it says, uh, "Interview with the Sickest Man on Earth". And then on the inside they've got a picture, and it's... it's a good interview. I mean, it's... it's not too much rock 'n' roll related, it's more related to the... to, uh, what I'm in here for, and there's a lot of sexual questions. But, I mean, that's... that's understandable for the magazine. 

SB: Mm-hmm. 

GG: So, it's... it's good, though. I mean, a lot of people are gonna see that. And, uh, the new issue of Rolling Stone even, uh, had a short... mentioned me in the "Random Notes". 

SB: Is that, uh...

GG: With... the one with Sinéad O'Connor on the cover. 

SB: Oh, I better get that. 

GG: Yeah, I was reading through, cuz I was reading... I get it... we get it in here. It's, like, one of the few magazines we get in here. And I was reading it, and there was a... an article on Sonic Youth. And they were talking to Kim Gordon, and she was saying there's really not much... they're asking them about their new album, if they were gonna sell out on it. And she responded with something like... I don't know if this is exactly what she... something like, "you can't really do too much to shake up the underground anymore, unless you're GG Allin, and you can shit onstage and attack women" or something. 

SB: [laughs]

GG: So I thought [unintelligible] maybe she was putting me down, but I liked it. 

SB: [laughs]

GG: And, you figure, any kind of... any kind of mention in Rolling Stone is, uh... you know, it's where people are gonna see it. 
SB: Really. 

GG: So... yeah, in big bold letters right there beside George Harrison...

[both laugh]

GG: ..."GG Allin, sickest man on Earth". But, you know, I figure this is all good, because this will, you know, help the record too. 

SB: It's like the expression goes. "Any press is good press". 

GG: Yeah, absolutely. I don't give a fuck what they say about me. It doesn't matter, you know, cuz, uh... I'll tell you, I'm... I'm real psyched. I think this is gonna be a cool record. I really do. 

SB: Everybody who's heard it so far... well, actually, only two people have heard it...

GG: Great. Well, I... I'll tell you, I... when I first did that, I used to listen to... especially, uh, "When I Die", or... that... that song there just really sticks out. And, uh...

SB: I'll be honest with you...

GG:'s cool because there's no drums, there's no bass. It's just there, you know, and I didn't want to do any elaborate production. But I... I think it's good enough. I think... I think people will, uh... they'll either like it or hate it, and I guess that's really all that matters, anyway. 

SB: Yeah. Umm...

GG: But, uh, okay. So you've got those addresses and, uh... you, know, just let me know, uh... as things progress, let me know, you know, when you think it's coming out, and, uh...

SB: All right. 
GG: know, if you need to get in touch with me, you know where I'm at. 

SB: Okay, and um... well, I got... I got your address, anyways. 

GG: Yeah, I'm always home. 

[both laugh]

GG: Until they open the gates. I'm gettin' the fuck out of this state so fuckin' fast, man...

SB: [laughs]

GG: ... flyin' out of this cocksuckin' place!

SB: Hey, uh, that drawing you did [clears throat] very inspired to get it made into a button. 

GG: If you can do it, go ahead. Go ahead. They just... there's a guy in North Carolina that just came out with a new GG Allin t-shirt, and he sent me a couple. And I'll tell ya, there's been... there's a lot of t-shirts out, like, bootleg t-shirts that I've seen. But this one is the best. It's got a picture of me on the front...

SB: Mm-hmm. 

GG: ...and a really... a really sleazy-looking fuckin' picture. It's great. It says "GG Allin", then underneath it says "Outlaw Scumfuc". And on the back it's got another picture of me, and it says "Sickest, Most Decadent Rocker of All Time", from the Spin article. And then underneath that it's got my prison number. And it's got another picture... it's... it's... man, the guy put some fuckin' money into it. 

SB: Hmm. 

GG: And, uh... I dunno. He's some guy... I may have put that... I don't know if I put his address. He's from Repo Records. But it's a cool fuckin' shirt, I'll tell ya. It's, uh... I don't know how many he did up. I think he only did up, uh, maybe 300. But those motherfuckers are gonna go quick. 

SB: Repo Records?

GG: Yeah. It's out of North Carolina. 

SB: Do you know the address offhand, or, or...?

GG: If I can, uh... if I can get him to send me some more copies... I was surprised it got in here. I really was. I was amazed. I didn't think they would let it into prison. But I did get it in. And, uh... I'll see if I can get you a copy of it. I'll see if I can get you one. 

SB: Okay, um...

GG: Uh, it's... it's a motherfucker. It's... it's the best GG shirt I've seen. You know, I've seen like five or six of 'em. 

SB: Let's see. Repo Records?

GG: Yeah, it's, uh... I think it's South Carolina, North Carolina, I don't know what the fuck. I... I have so many people contacting me lately, I don't know what the hell's going on. But, yeah. So what, um... do you have any idea what you're looking at for a release date on this record? Or just, kinda waiting right now?

SB: Um... I'm guessing it'll be out by the end of this month. 

GG: Oh, great. That quick? Cool. 

SB: Mm-hmm. 

GG: Yeah, I figure... yeah, the quicker you get it out... especially right now with all the... all the press. You know, all the shit that's going on. And plus, uh, you'll get more once it comes out. You know, just... just to get it covered, you know, just send out, uh, promotional copies of it, and, uh...

SB: First copy I get's going right to Spin. 

GG: Good. Yeah, send that to Spin. They may, uh... you know, they may just pick up on it because of... it's different. You know, it's not the same, uh... I hope they do. I hope they do review it. Uh, ooh, yeah, send it to Byron there, cuz, uh, they... they've done a couple reviews on my stuff before, so they might, uh...

SB: Byron?

GG: Yeah, Byron Coley. 

SB: Coley. 

GG: The one that does the, uh, "Underground", right?

SB: Oh, okay. 

GG: Yeah, I think maybe, uh, send him a copy and, uh... nah, send it to whoever, you know. You've probably got some connections there. Do whatever you've got to do. 

SB: Okay, uh... [clears throat]... you said, uh, that an old issue of... of Spin mentioned you?

GG: Yeah, they had... it was... I think it was 1987. It was the same year that the ROIR cassette came out. '77 or '78. And... and on the cover it had, uh... now what the fuck's that asshole's name that, uh, was married to Chrissie Hynde?

SB: Jim Kerr?

GG: Jim Kerr was on the cover. Um... and that may help and it may not. I'm trying... it was an... it was an August issue. 

SB: Mm-hmm

GG: Or September. I bought it in August, so it was probably a September issue. I think it was '87. And they had a whole page... the whole "Underground" was... was dedicated to me. It had a picture of me, and, uh, and then... well, I've been... it also had an interview with, um, um... I forget, this other band too. I'm losing my mind. They mentioned me in that. I... I've been in Spin, like, four times. But, uh, that one issue was... was good. It was like a whole fuckin' page. 

SB: Wow. 

GG: But, you know, there... there are copies floating around. You know, I've got a couple copies myself, and I know people who have it. Um, you'd probably have to write to them for the back issues. 

SB: Oh yeah. They probably charge like five bucks or something. 

GG: Yeah, even, uh... you know, there's also another paper that's cool [unintelligible] is Screw. I don't know if you read Screw. 

SB: No. I know the paper, though. 

GG: Yeah. It's like Al Goldstein's uh, porno, fuckin'... it's like the sleaziest newspaper in the country. A couple years ago, they did, like, a three-page story, and that's cool, too. That's another thing that's hard to find. Somebody sent me, uh, a Gold... the other... you read Goldmine, I take it you know what that is? Goldmine magazine?

SB: Sure do. 

GG: It's like a record collectors'...

SB: Yeah, I know. 

GG: ...magazine. Well, they... somebody sent me something... I read... that was a couple weeks ago, and they... I couldn't believe it. They had, uh... a lot of people had my early records, and they're... fuck, they were going for like 50 to 100 bucks, the original copies. 

SB: [laughs]

GG: And I'm thinking, man, I wish to fuck I had more copies of those! I... cuz when I got arrested, I sold a copy of my first album for $100, and, uh, I found out I could have got 2 for it. 

SB: [laughs]

GG: But I said, fuck it. $100 is good, you know, for one album. But I guess the going price for any of that old Blood Records and, uh, Orange Records shit now is... is like 100 bucks or 200 bucks an album, and like 50 bucks a single. 

SB: Hmm. 

GG: But it's... but it's been out of print since 1984 or 5, and you're talking maybe 1,000 to 1,500 copies, so the chances of finding one are, like, you know... fuck, you ain't gonna do it. 

SB: Mm. Super slim. 

GG: You can. You know, people run into 'em every once in awhile. They'll... they tell me "I saw one of your records for $25 here", and I'm like, "man, you motherfucker, you should've bought that. I woulda bought it!" I... I go to record stores and buy my own albums when I see 'em that cheap. And I just take 'em out on the street and sell 'em. You know, and, uh, there's even a record that, uh, I did before I was even... before the Jabbers were even together, that... I think we printed maybe 300 copies of that. Oh, back in those old days there, we just printed what we could and brought 'em out and sold 'em on the sidewalks, you know, to kids. Didn't fuckin' matter, but if I'd have known then what I know now...

[both laugh]

GG: But, fuck it. 

SB: Yeah. 

GG: But anyway, see this... this new record on Mountain could be a collector's item in 20 years, so, uh, hold on to about five copies. 

SB: [laughs]

GG: Sell 'em for $1,000 one day!

SB: Really. 

GG: Nah, it's... it'll be a cool record, though. I... I'm really looking forward to it coming out. And, uh, you know, like I say, just... you know, get in touch with me, let me know what's going on. And, uh, you know, if you need any, uh... need anything else, any more info, just let me know. Um... and, uh, as soon as it comes out... do you have that address in, uh, Oak Lawn?

SB: Oak Lawn?

GG: That P.O. box that... that, uh, that you first wrote to, I think, when, uh, you wrote for information?

SB: Uh... actually I don't... no wait, what... do I? Shoot...

GG: It's the first... yeah, it's the first time you wrote, and I think the people at that address sent you some information. 

SB: They sent me, like, two or three sheets, uh...

GG: Right. 

SB: was reviewing one of your tapes where you're... where you're knocking your head on... on a glass bottle onstage. 

GG: Right. 

SB: And, uh, the other one was, like... like the first letter of every sentence in that paragraph was kinda missing, but it... it, uh, mentioned what happened with you and...

GG: Right. 

SB: ...what led... led to the whole bid here. 

GG: Okay, yeah, well, if you don't have that address, I'll send... cuz I'd like to... I'd like you to send them about five copies of the record. Only because that's... that's really my address. When I get out, I'll get all that. What I do is, every time I put... something comes out, I have 'em send it there. Um, I have people there that... that take care of my stuff. And, uh, that way when I get out, I'll get a copy of the record. Otherwise, by the time I get out, motherfucker will probably be sold out...

SB: [laughs]

GG: ...and, uh, I mean, I'd get a copy of it. And I... I'm not gonna get a copy of it in here. They... they won't even let that motherfucker through. 

SB: [laughs]

GG: Uh, so, if you don't have it, I'll send it to you. Um, well, it's just... you got a pen? I can give it to you right now if you want. 

SB: Go ahead. 

GG: It's, uh, P.O. Box 704...

SB: 704...

GG: ...Oak Lawn, O-A-K L-A-W-N, Illinois, 60454. And just put "GG Allin" on it. And, uh... yeah, if, you know... if you can send like five copies, I mean, it's... fuck it, that's good enough. Just so I'll have five copies for myself when I get out. 

SB: All right, that's no problem. 

GG: That'll work. Okay, and, uh, you know, just... just as far as that goes, if you need to get in touch with me, or... or to let me know when it's coming out, then just write to me here at the prison. And, uh... and I guess we'll take it from there. 

SB: All right-y. 

GG: All right?

SB: Good enough. 

GG: All right, I'll talk to you again. Okay, see you around. Bye. 

SB: Bye.