GG's words are in regular text; Bloody's are in boldface.
[audio begins abruptly, mid-sentence]
...and like, I came out... Mykel was introducing me. He's up there hollering. He said, "Here he is, ladies and gentlemen! Here he is, the..." - he's, like, rambling on; I don't remember what he was saying - he said "...God himself! GG Allin!" And the first thing I did is come out, and I shit all over the place.
So that was the...
First thing I did. I rubbed it all over myself, and I just... I smashed a bottle and kicked some guy in the head, and I just started smashing everything. And I just took the bottle and just cut myself. You should see my body right now. I just bled. And, it was like... between the blood and the shit, it was just unbelievable.
And everybody just backed up. Everybody just, like, went back. And then... and we just, like... after four songs, I kicked all the monitors over, broke two mics. And then I took another shit at the end, when they shut us off, and started throwing it at the people. 'Cause the fuckin' guy wouldn't let us play anymore.
So, did you get any shit on any people?
Oh, yeah! I threw shit right at 'em.
First song, it was flying.
Did you do "Blood for You"?
Oh, yeah. "Blood for You", and then...
That's a great song.
...I'd beaten myself in the face. I got a... I mean, the Chicago thing was nothing. I mean, you should have seen my face after this show. I mean, I've got cuts. My nose is like... I mean, my face. My whole eye is, like, completely red and blue and fuckin' green.
So, do you think...
It still is.
Do you think most people hate your guts, or do you think most people are scared of you?
I'm really not too sure! Nobody really responded. They all just kind of sat there and watched, like, "what the fuck is he doing?"
I wasn't really focused on the crowd. I was kinda in my own world. I really don't know what they were doing. To tell you the truth, I'd like to go back and look at it on film, because I really can't remember what they were doing, because I was just into my own thing. And then I started raping this girl, and shit. Sucking on her tits, and I had my head between her legs.
So I don't... but I wasn't watching the crowd at all. I know they were all watching me, because nobody left. But I don't... I really don't know what the response was.
So, what do you think about the band...
[audio abruptly cuts out and there's about four seconds of silence]
So, what do you think about the people at the Club Exit in Chicago? The management?
Fuckin' suck. I should have fuckin'... I think we should go back, and this time we should start a fire onstage. Just let it burn down.
Kill 'em.
I'd like to do that. You know, I've thought about that. Like, starting a fire onstage. Some club you don't like, just squirt, like, gasoline around, let it go, and then just run.
What the fuck.
Kill 'em.
Be great. You know, I mean, they ain't gonna have you back anyway, so why even have the club?