GG Allin
GG & Bloody Talk - June 1986
GG's words are in regular text; Bloody's are in boldface.


[recording starts abruptly, mid-sentence]

...don't think the bus would make it.

So what towns are you looking forward to playing the most, man?

Oh, um... I don't know, really. I think Florida sounds like fun. Kentucky. I don't know; they all sound pretty good.


I think L.A. will be cool, too.

Oh, fuckin' A. That's the best.

California'd be great. But one thing you've got to do, man, is you've got to... you've got to fuckin' stress the fucking... you've got to get fuckin' Iggy to fuckin' do something with us.


That's, like, the fuckin' ultimate goal! I can't die before I fuckin' touch Iggy Pop.

Oh, man. I'll get a hold of him somehow, man.
You know, even if, like... if you do the interviеw, like... you know what you should do? Don't... you know, I don't know if he's into, like, you know, shows. Just mеntion to him that we're going on tour. Mention the band.

I wonder if he's ever heard of you before, man.

I don't know. You know, it's possible. I don't know. But you should mention the band. Say, you know, "GG Allin and I are gonna be going on tour, and, you know, we were wondering if maybe we could do..." I mean, I wouldn't even mind... I'd even pay for it if we could go in the studio and have him produce a song, and maybe sing backup on it, or something.

Or just come to our show, just to watch. Anything.

Yeah, anything! Just, you know, so we can meet him. Tell him I'm, like, his number one fan. You know, besides you, or something. I absolutely think he's God, you know?


But if we could, uh... I mean, just mention it. Throw it up in the air. 'Cause he, like... when he plays up here in Boston, he plays with local bands all the time, and most of 'em really suck.

So he probably [?], then, if he's not busy, or something.

Really! He'd probably let us fuckin' open for him, if he was going on tour.

Got any questions you want me to ask him when I interview him? 'Cause I'm gonna definitely do it.

Well, if you interview him... I don't know, just think of what you're gonna ask him, you know.

I fuckin'... if you had like one or two questions you really wanted to know, you know?

Jeez, I'm trying to think. When are you gonna interview him?
Probably... let's see, probably I'll call him Tuesday. Monday or Tuesday.

Jeez, I can't think of anything off the top of my head. I'm sure what you ask him would be questions I'd want to ask him anyway.

Well, definitely. But, you know, I'm not gonna ask him too many, because I don't want to... you know, I don't want to get him bored. But I want to, you know, ask him some cool stuff, you know?

Yeah, just ask him, like, what the fuck he's been doing! You know, I have no idea what he...

He's got a new record coming out.

Does he?

Just got finished with it. And, uh, Bowie's on it. Fuckin' dick. Bowie.

Yeah, really. He'll fuck it up again. Shoulda got us to put it... "Iggy Pop, produced by GG and Bloody"!

[both laugh]

Toilet rock!

Really! We'd get him back for the... [audio fades out and there are several seconds of silence]

So, have you ever been locked up in a mental hospital, man?

Me? Nah.

Not yet. I'm working on it.

I thought maybe you had.

I've been to a few psychiatrists, but never been locked up yet.

Wow, that's fuckin' [?]. Did you ever... did you graduate from high school?

Uuuuummmmmmmm... no! [laughs] I dropped out when I was in the tenth grade. I almost did! I almost went back, but I said fuck it. Fuck that. I just wanted to play. I just said fuck that shit.

I got a bunch of fuckin' reviews...

[audio fades out and there's about five seconds of silence]

I got a letter from some chick in Boston that wrote to my friend. And I asked her to ask about you, just to see what she'd say.

Uh huh?

And, ugh. She said "oh man, he's the most disgusting, rattiest fucker in the world!"

Oh, yeah. People... I go to Boston to shows. I went to that fuckin' UNH thing with my jockstrap on.

Yeah, I've heard about that!

Oh, Jesus! I thought people were gonna fuckin' kill me! 'Cause I was handing out Nazi things...

[laughs loudly]

I can't... I was walking around with fuckin' swastikas on me, and a fuckin' jockstrap, handing out Nazi signs. And people were fuckin' bumming. They were saying "Aww, that fuckin' sucks, man. You shouldn't be into that." And I was really... I was telling them they were a bunch of assholes.

So what about, uh... some chick wrote me and said... or, she wrote this friend of mine and said that some dude saw you at a Black Flag show, and you were fucking some girl on the floor.

Yeah, I was! That was great!


I had her down on the fuckin' ground, and all these people were all around, like, cheering me on. It was so fuckin' funny.

Oh, my God! [laughs]

It was... it was wild. Right in the front. Right... just before they came out. It was fuckin' wild.

So, does Black Flag... they know who you are, then, huh?

Yeah, yeah. Henry's cool. I mean, he's kind of an asshole, really, but...

Does he talk to you?

Yeah, he talks to me. He knows who I am.

Did they ask you, like... did they ask you if you were real, or... did they ask you...

He told... well, I was talking to him. And he was telling me, he says "yeah", he says, "I've seen a lot of pictures of you, and shit." And he says, "it's fuckin'...", says "you're fuckin' crazy", he says. And he just fuckin' walked off! [laughs]

What about, uh...

He was fucking some girl behind the curtain when I was talking to him! I interrupted him, 'cause I wanted to get my guitar signed. I've got this guitar I have everybody sign. And he's fucking this girl, and I'm tapping him on the back. I said "Henry, you want to pull out for a minute?"

[both laugh]

He was fuckin' pissed! He says "What do you want? What do you want?" I says, "I want you to sign my guitar", I said, "these assholes are throwing me out". He says "Oh! Okay." He fuckin' gets up, puts his shorts back on. The girl was pissed at him.


He's fuckin' nuts. Was talking with us, and shit.

I heard [?] called you a nerd, onstage.

Yeah! That was great!

You should have busted him in the mouth.

I grabbed the guy's mic, and he fuckin' said something. I hollered in his mic when he was singing. I said "Scumfucs rule!", and he got all pissed off.

[?] suck, anyway.

Yeah, they do. A lot of those fuckin'... I don't know, some of those bands kinda suck. I saw the Ramones the other night...

[audio fades out and there's about five seconds of silence]

So, do you ever... before you go onstage, do you ever think about what you're gonna do? Or is it all totally spontaneous?

I don't really think about it. I just get really... I drink a bottle of Southern Comfort, and then I just fuckin' do it. Always got to drink a bottle [?]. I drink about two bottles... [audio fades out]