GG Allin
GG Talks to Bloody - Early 1986
Well, Bloody, you motherfucker! As you can tell, I missed the baggie, so I didn't send your fuckin' bag for you to suck on. But you got the tape, anyway. 

Set up a show in Peoria. Peor... Pe-o-ri-a. By the way, play that tape for all the sluts in Peoria. I'm sure there's plenty of 'em there. Tell 'em to send their fuckin' underwear to me. Cunts!

Anyway, yeah, we're gonna definitely do the tour this summer. We'll start the first of July. You'll meet me in the first city, and we will do a show in Peoria, if they will let us. And we'll go throughout the United States, and we'll shit, piss, and bleed on everybody. 

Um... can't think of nothing else to say. Just, um... drink heavy, do lots of drugs, fuck a lot of whores, fuck a lot of sluts. And remember: GG Allin is fuckin' slutty.