[Keith Grimwood]
Are you ready to get started?
[Ezra Idlet]
[Keith Grimwood]
[Ezra Idlet]
Perhaps you’d better ask them again, and they’ll respond loudly and with genuine enthusiasm!
[Keith Grimwood]
Are you ready to get started? Okay
[Keith Grimwood]
Georgie Porgie, pudding and pie
Kissed the girls and made them cry
When the boys came out to play
They threw him out the window
The window, the window
They threw him out the window
When the boys came out to play
They threw him out the window
[Keith Grimwood]
Okay, it’s your turn now!
[Ezra Idlet]
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall
All the King's horses and all the King's men
They threw him out the window
The window, the window
They threw him out the window
All the King's horses and all the King's men
They threw him out the window
[Ezra Idlet]
We will now take requests, anybody holler out your favorite nursery rhyme
[Ezra Idlet]
Well, Old Mother Hubbard, she went to the cupboard
To get her poor doggie a bone
But when she bent over, the doggie took over and
Threw her out the window
The window, the window
They threw her out the window
But when she bent over, the doggie took over and
Threw her out the window
Three blind mice
Three blind mice
See how they run
Let’s throw them out the window
The window, the window
Let’s throw them out the window
See how they run, let’s
Throw them out the window
[Ezra Idlet]
Jack and Jill went up the hill
To fetch a pail of water
Jack fell down and broke his crown
He threw it out the window
The window, the window
They threw it out the window
Jack fell down and broke his crown
He threw it out the window
[Ezra Idlet]
Mary had a little lamb
A little lamb, a little lamb
Mary had a little lamb
She threw it out the window
The window, the window
She threw it out the window
Mary had a little lamb
She threw it out the window
[Ezra Idlet]
[Keith Grimwood]
[Ezra Idlet]
I’m getting bummed out, man!
[Keith Grimwood]
[Ezra Idlet]
I’m getting depressed, man!
[Keith Grimwood]
[Ezra Idlet]
Ask me why!
[Keith Grimwood]
... Why?
[Ezra Idlet]
Because, as I look at this audience, I do not see one request for Little Bunny Foo-Foo, and that’s the truth. Not one
[Keith Grimwood]
You’re looking in the wrong direction, Ezra, I see several people with their Little Bunny Foo-Foo ears up in the air, just like this
[Ezra Idlet]
Oh, you know well as I do, several people doesn’t begin to cut it, it needs to be unanimous. That means everybody, everybody must put their Little Bunny Foo-Foo ears in the air!
[Keith Grimwood]
Look, it’s happening!
Little Bunny Foo-Foo
Hopping through the forest
Scooping up the field mice
And throwing them out the window
The window, the window
Throwing them out the window
Scooping up the field mice
And throwing them out the window
It’s story time!
[Ezra Idlet]
Hey, there, little Red Riding Hood
You sure are looking good
You're everything a Big Bad Wolf could
Throw them out the window
The window, the window
Throw them out the window
[Ezra Idlet]
You're everything a Big Bad Wolf could
Throw them out the window
[Keith Grimwood]
And now, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls —
[Ezra Idlet]
Moms, dads, brothers, cousins, sisters, uncles, nephews, nieces, and everybody out there wearing white tube socks this afternoon with pride
[Keith Grimwood]
We’re going to attempt something incredibly difficult
[Keith Grimwood & Ezra Idlet]
We’re going to sing two nursery rhymes at the same time, acapella. Forcing you to use both halves of your brain at the same time, acapella. Ezra, what are you doing?
[Keith Grimwood]
Now, would you get up? Now, tell us, what are you doing?
[Ezra Idlet]
A pretty fine imitation of you, my tiny friend
[Keith Grimwood]
Anyway. I’m going to be singing Rub-a-Dub-Dub, Three Men in a Tub, Ezra will be singing —
[Ezra Idlet]
Stairway to Heaven. A massively popular and financially lucrative nursery rhyme from the 1970s
[Keith Grimwood]
Okay, so count it off
[Ezra Idlet]
Two, three, four!
[Ezra Idlet]
Oh, look. I may have blonde hair, folks, but I can count. This is my part of the program, and what I call dramatic... pause. One, two, three!
[Ezra Idlet]
There's a lady who's sure
All that glitters is gold
And she's buying a stairway to
[Keith Grimwood]
Rub-a-dub-dub, three men in a tub
And who do you think they be
The butcher, the baker, the candlestick maker, let’s
Throw them out the window
The window, the window
Throw them out the window
[Ezra Idlet]
She’s buying a stairway to
[Keith Grimwood]
The butcher, the baker, the candlestick maker, let’s
Throw them out the window