2nd In Command
Verse 1:
First things first, NoClue’s a bitch
Stalking YouTubers and ripping their shit
Dropping them slurs, mobbing on kids
Kojin is cool, I don’t know what they did
You’re not a monster, you’re just a dick
CLPZZ been a friend, because of you, he dipped
2 full albums, 2023
Not one original word came outta your lips
Brief drama came out of it, ain’t get what you deserve
“Skull Splitter”s the biggest ripoff that I have ever heard
Like you cribbed “NO MERCY” word for word
Note for note, beat for beat- the bitings absurd!
Don’t believe me?
Listen to that shit back to back and tell me I’m reaching
You’re what's wrong with the whole scene
Josh A should smack you for all your leeching
Verse 2:
Second things second, fuck the kid down the street
He ain’t shake my hand first time that we meet
He tried to steal my bike when I was 12
Sure, he was seven, but on sight, his ass getting beat
And fuck the hall monitor, he stole my vape
As soon as he took it, I swung out the gate
What kinda bread could you possibly make
You’re willing to risk your life to take
Fuck Margeret Thatcher
No more notes, just fuck Margeret Thatcher
Theatre Kid actors
Actually, I don’t got beef with most theater kid actors
Uhhh, oh, my homie Harry owes me money!
If he doesn’t get it to me, I’ll be patient
I understand that he just got a girl
And he- fuck, train of thought ain’t reach the station
Fuck that guy in that car last week
Who looked at me like I was scum
Bitch, I’m a biker, in this case, we have right of way
You have no right to call me a bum
Fuck like 70% of the people who eat at Quiznos, Jesus Christ
I’m a fast food worker, cool your jets and get a life
Verse 3:
Fuck my friend Kaiden, seriously, fuck my friend Kaiden
My god, I hate him, don’t even know why my ass is his friend
He is devoid of maidens
One time, he left me outside of house 30 minutes
I kept blowing up his phone
Bitch, it was 15 degrees, it took so long to let me in
I was just so cold
One time, he gave me rubbing alcohol on the rocks
He never matches when wearing his socks
He gets so much they/them pussy, I’m in fury
And he’s buffer then me, he cleans my clock
He beats me in Smash Bros- fuck you
His face looks like a tadpoles- fuck you
One time, he called me an asshole
No fuck you, YOU’RE the asshole!
One time, he didn’t listen to me talk about HuniePop
What is HuniePop? Thanks for asking
It’s a dating sim about anime girls
Tryna fuck- I got distracted
He likes Godzilla
What nerd likes Godzilla??
He likes vanilla
What nerd likes vanilla???
You’ll never make covers for me
Cuz pixel art is loser shit
Not tryna look at NES
While singing bout my blues and shit
I have a plan
I’m gonna paint his face on the bathroom wall
I’m gonna draw so many dicks
All in his mouth, I won’t take the fall
I’ll have Kaiden take the fall, cuz he loves dicks in his mouth
Your glasses look like a Grandmas, you know what I’m talking bout!!
When I get my hands on you, I’ll-