Genius English Translations
Disclosure & Fatoumata Diawara - Douha (Mali Mali) (English Translation)
Mali Mali, Malians in Mali should send their blessings to those living abroad
Mali Mali, we miss Mali so much
Mali Mali, Malians in Mali should send their blessings to those living abroad
Mali Mali, we miss Mali so much
Mali Mali, Malians in Mali should send their blessings to those living abroad
Mali Mali, we miss Mali so much

Mali Mali, Malians in Mali should send their blessings to those living abroad
Mali Mali, we miss Mali so much
Mali Mali, Malians in Mali should send their blessings to those living abroad
Mali Mali, we miss Mali so much
Mali Mali, Malians in Mali should send their blessings to those living abroad
Mali Mali, we miss Mali so much
Mali Mali, Malians in Mali should send their blessings to those living abroad
Mali Mali, we miss Mali so much

There are hunters in Africa
There are great imams in Africa
There are philosophers in Africa
There are great footballers in Africa
There are hunters in Africa
There are great imams in Africa
There are philosophers in Africa
There are great footballers in Africa (Mali Mali)
There are hunters in Africa
There are great imams in Africa
There are philosophers in Africa
There are great footballers in Africa (Mali Mali)
There are hunters in Africa
There are great imams in Africa
There are philosophers in Africa
There are great footballers in Africa (Mali Mali)
(Mali Mali)
(Mali Mali)
(Mali Mali)
(Mali Mali)
(Mali Mali)
(Mali Mali)

Mali Mali, Malians in Mali should send their blessings to those living abroad
Mali Mali, we miss Mali so much
Mali Mali, Malians in Mali should send their blessings to those living abroad
Mali Mali, we miss Mali so much
Mali Mali, Malians in Mali should send their blessings to those living abroad
Mali Mali, we miss Mali so much
Mali Mali, Malians in Mali should send their blessings to those living abroad
Mali Mali, we miss Mali so much
Mali Mali, Malians in Mali should send their blessings to those living abroad
Mali Mali, we miss Mali so much
Mali Mali, Malians in Mali should send their blessings to those living abroad
Mali Mali, we miss Mali so much

(Mali Mali)
Mali Mali, [?]
Mali Mali, [?]
Mali Mali, we miss Mali so much