Genius English Translations
Mili - 奶水 (Milk) (English Translation)
We walk in our mother’s water
The words we stuffed in our minds
Escape our mouths and become bubbles
I can’t see
I can’t see
My fingertips separate and curdle
I can’t hear
I can’t hear
They boil and disappeared

[Verse 1]
Half lit moon
Like milk, tastes so sweet

[Verse 2]
Goes our ribs
Merge together
Like perfect puzzle pieces
Zip up
Seal up our skin
And we shall become one
We all want to stay forever a child
With our fragile hearts
Escaping reality and the unknown
Though the world is filled with forgiveness

[Verse 3]
Sipping from the same bottle
The same bottle of milk
Gnawing on the same breasts
We are broken pieces of glass
Meant to make up a bottle
There is so much love
So much love leftover
So much left for us
Our bottles are for love only

We dance in our mother’s water
We flowers we planted in our heads
Dye our dilated irises
I can’t feel
I can’t feel
The red string on my belly button turns into butterflies
I can’t sleep
I can’t sleep
They melt in my dreams and disappeared

Choos ve dou Leshka
Tonn Pate foulex Wyeske
Nebula dou neu pal Rakka
Tesh collon dou Mamonde mi fulle Her
Choos ve dou Leshka
Tonn Pate foulex Wyeske
Nebula dou neu pal Rakka
Tesh collon dou Mamonde mi fulle Her

[Verse 1]
Half lit moon
Like milk, tastes so sweet

[Verse 4]
Ve loosh
Denix ve falfa
Ne dox
Phoille te Lirte

Goes our ribs
Merge together
Like perfect puzzle pieces
Lock up
Let no one in
I gave birth to you
And you gave birth to me