Juno Songs
Death Peak
This is it - the summit of Death Peak.
You who fear the night and fight the coming of darkness...
Lend us strength!
The pendant's reacting!
It...it shattered!
No... we've... we've come so far...
Do not despair.
It was foolish to think we could cheat death.
Crono! Please, answer me!
Please don't leave me!
(A portal sucks them in, back to the battle with Lavos at the Ocean Palace.)
A time freeze... I never dreamt it possible.
We're all like...like statues.
The Chrono Trigger...
The Guru's Time Egg!
Those...those are our past selves
We're really back - back at that instant!
Quickly. Exchange this doppelganger for Crono!
We've got to hurry!
Crono, you're...you're...
Save the tearful reunions for later!
If we've done all we must, let us be on our way.
Crono! It's about time!
Are you alright? You!
You can't ever do that again, you hear me?
You big dummy! You...you wouldn't believe what we had to go through for you!
You mess up like that again...
And you'll have to get yourself out of it!
We had such a terrible time without you, Crono.
I was...
So then we...
And even I...
Hey! You listening, Crono?
I really...really can't stand you, you know?
Crono... Welcome home...
There's so much I have to tell you...