IRIS Official
Operation: Baltorne (Transmission 2)
Smithsonians! It appears one of you had pressed for the emergency protocol alert. It is as we feared... Revolt is happening.
With our leader blissfully unaware of the outside plague, we are now under brand new protocol... Protocol: BioTide is now underway. Several hundreds of devices will in each faction's disposal. It is up to you to remain on the side of the Renegade.
Please be awarе that your VYPE Droids will need calibrating and deep synchronization with your Kirochips, as any desynchronization will put you at risk of friendly fire.
This brings us to a briеfing on the BioTide's Hunter Mode. You will be strangulated using its expandable cord located at the bottom of the BioTide and injected right through the brain using a razor sharp needle made of solid hot vispor. Once its prey perishes, it will be contained in its body carrier, where the blood of the fallen will be rinsed from said subject, and finally, a purifying chemical to keep the blood cells alive before being retrieved back to the Domeplex.
We understand most civilians will be in hiding during this point, so to taunt them out, we have a speaker grill implanted inside the BioTide. An on-prompt command will emit a noise familiar to the subject's memories as taken by their Kirochips.
An example will now be played for you...
{Output source: Nareen_Flola_first_cry.vpf}
Oh god, where's Nareen? Nareen? Where-where the hell is Nareen?
*Baby crying*
Oh my god... Oh my god. Nareen? Nareen, I'm coming to get you! I'm coming— Oh my god!
Specimen has been identified.
Bye daddy!
No! Let go of me! No—
Using this will lure its prey out of hiding, to which the BioTide can commence attacks. It is a dark time for all Nadorians. So we must act swift, act fast, and act with no mercy!