Bob Dylan
Vd Gunner’s Blues
Landlady, hey, landlady
Push your window high
Landlady, hey, landlady
Push up your window screen
Well, I've come to kill that woman that give me the old VD

Quit your beatin', stop your bangin'
Quit kickin' up around my door
Quit your beatin', stop your bangin'
Quit kickin' up around my door
Well, that woman who give you the VD
She don't live here no more

Landlady, landlady
You're tellin' me a lie
Landlady, landlady tellin' me a lie
There's a dose of hot lead
To stop your lyin' tongue
Blow your whistle, policeman
My poor feet are bound to run

Blow your whistle, policeman
My poor feet are bound to run
But I won't stop my runnin'
'Til I get that VD woman with my gun
I can hear your bullets slingin'
Sweet bullets from deputy's gun
I can hear 'еm slingin' past me
Sweet bullets from that deputy's gun
From this holе in my back
I can feel my heart-blood run