Al Green
Automatic Writing
I wanted to
I wanted to
You guys are all
You guys are
You guys are all
You guys are all
You guys are all
Fuckin' clever
Fuckin' clever
Fuckin' clever
Fuckin' clever...
Hide it
Wanting to hide it
What are you hiding?
Got to be art...
What are you hiding?...

Fuckin' clever...
The dialog
The dialog...
About hiding it
About hiding it
The dialog was about hiding it...
The dialog
The dia...
The dialog
The dialog was about hiding it
The dialog was about hiding it
The dialog was about hiding it
You can't say that
The dialog was about hiding it...
The dialog was about hiding it
Can't regain youth in talk
The dia...
The dialog
The dialog was about hiding it
The dialog
The dialog was about hiding it
The dialog
The dialog was about hiding it
The dialog was about hiding it
The dialog was about hiding it
The dialog was about hiding it
Oh, man...
Just better, not different, just better
Sound like you're crazy
Fuckin' insane
Fuckin' clever, fuckin' insane...
What time is it?
Time to go on to the next one
What's the next one?

The varispeed
The varispeed
Oh, I see what you're doing
I see
Oh, got it
I got it
This must be the varispeed
Like a dream come true
Dream come true
Small dreams
My God
Fuckin' clever, the varispeed
Fuckin' clever, the varispeed
The varispeed
The varispeed
The varispeed
The varispeed
I think it...
That's the one, the idea
The varispeed
The varis... the varispeed
The varispeed
The varis...
The vari...
The vari...
Th' oh well
The varispeed
The varispeed
The varispeed
The varispeed
Huh, oh well
Don't do that
Fuckin' clever
God damn...

I'm glad I didn't try to sell my record at this concert
I'm glad I didn't try to sell my record at this concert
Fuckin' clever
The varispeed
The varispeed
The old times...
The old times slowed down there, didn't it?
What happened?
Oh, well
How to hide you're sick
That's it
You're sick
How to hide it
How to hide it
Boy, she hears this...
The old fours are out there
My mind's censoring my mind
My mind's censoring my own mind
My God
Oh, well
We have to wait for an appropriate length of time
You're regretting
Don't regret
God Damn

That's what it
That's what it's all about
It's amazing
It's all about I wanted to
I wanted to...

I wanted to, and you guys are all
I wanted to
If these lips could talk
If those lips could only talk
No jokes, you fool, this is music
My mind is censoring my own mind
Oh, well
You get nervous here
And then you get sad
Test, test, test...
Test, test, test...
Come on
Don't do this
I wanted to...
I wanted, no, that's like, oh, that's like, oh
You can either
You can either

You can apologize profusely
Or you can apologize casually
Or you can just shrug
You can
You can act as if the fault is the other fellow's
The other fellow's
And get mad
If you drop the box, you drop the box
Or whatever you're carrying, the box
I guess, yeah, you gotta be carrying a box
The two of you are carrying a box
When it gets too
And when you're gotta drop that

When you gotta drop your end, you can either
Apologize profusely
Yeah, right there, it's a, oh God
Or apologize casually
Where are you now?
Who are you doing this for, anyway?
You know
My mind is censoring my own mind
It's true
Where is rolling thunder?
Talk about making it rain
My mind is censoring my own mind
My mind is censoring my own mind
Things are really

Things are really poppin' on this second side
I'll talk fast, or
My mind is censoring my own mind
Sorry, you guys
I wanted to
I wanted to
I wanted to
Oh, I see that's got a little other one on it
Oh, that's nice
I wanted to
I wanted to
No, that's not...
I wanted to
I wanted to
I wanted to
I wanted to...
You can't do that...

You can't, that's the whole point
God damn it
God damn
Oh my gosh
Come on, Bob, give up
John's other wife
John's other wife
I ought to dedicate this song to my grandmother
Who probably taught me everything I know
Oh, God
Fuckin' clever, and silly
You're doing it

You record
You record along with...
Where does it get lost?
Oh, I see...
It's changed, oh, it's, oh, it's...
My God
I wanted to...
I wanted to, and then what?
You guys are all
There was just...
Fuckin' clever
And the varispeed

Now we're doing, now we're doing
I wanted to
And the next one is, you guys are all...
Not too bad...
An excuse to ring the bells
You guys are all
Yeah, I think that's true...
I always thought there was more, ah
We'll see
I'll betcha
I'll betcha...
Well, you can always do it again
Aretha Franklin
Shh... I can do it better
Oh, God
How to hide it
What are you hiding?
You wanted to
You wanted to

Since you wanted to
This, I, what you get
Full moon is doing
How about that image?
It's true
That's where you guys get that idea
You just have to make it abstract, I see
Oh, God
The sound of the real thing
Um, boy (whew)
That was
I can hardly wait...
That feeling
Oh, I see, yeah
Yeah, oh, I see
Always have to lie, don't you, yeah?
Yeah, well

The lies built into the act
Yeah, very funny
Very funny
Very funny
Very funny
Come on, let go
Gee, I can, I, it's almost
I can do it like alley oop...
That guy was the wizard
You're sick...
That one hurt
Ladies and gentlemen
Wonder, we can put some drums with it...
We've been trying
Put some drums with it
Maybe that's all there is

Maybe that's all there is
Well, in this
My mind is censoring my own mind
You guys are all
Oh, come on, Bob
How to hide it
Boy, you're really scared
My God
I see what you're doing
I see
My mind is censoring my own mind
My mind is censoring my own mind...
The old problem...

You might have to do Take Two
What are you trying to hide?
My gosh...
Be, I don't know, we can always do it again
It's amazing, sure...
Either that or add some drums...
Starting to feel good
Let's try it
Not too bad
Fuckin' clever
What was it?
It was, ah
Fuckin' clever
The varispeed
I wanted to
And, ah

You guys are all
You guys are all
You guys are all
Pretty close that way
You guys are all
You guys are all
You guys are all
You guys are all
You guys are all
You guys are all
You guys are all
You guys are all...
You guys are all...
Oh, that's tomorrow
Those bumps
Get scared

I don't understand that
I don't understand that at all
I don't understand that
I don't understand that at all
What you're afraid of
I don't understand that at all
I don't understand that at all
I don't understand that at all
I don't understand that at all
Okey, okey, okey, okey
Somebody will rip this one off, yeah
Try it again tomorrow
My gosh
My mind is looking at my own mind
My mind is looking at my own mind

Yeah, wow
My mind is looking at my own mind
Big deal...
My mind is censoring my own mind
What time is it?...