When you've got the spots all over
From your eyebrows to your socks
It's that itchy, dreaded illness
That they call the chicken pox
When your toes have dots of purple
And your nose has dots of red
You can still have great adventures
Without getting out of bed
Round up those spots
And send them off on yachts
Don't lose your head
Just 'cause you're stuck in bed
Imagination is the best cure
It can save you every time
Find a kayak you can paddle
Or a mountain you can climb
Fly an airplane, meet a dragon
Take a cruise right down the Nile
Ride on horseback in the circus
You'll feel fine in just a while!
Round up those spots
And send them off on yachts
Don't lose your head
Just 'cause you're stuck in...
We know you're stuck in...
But you don't belong in bed