Irving Berlin
I Like Ike (1952)
[Spoken Intro: Joe Glazer]
"And twenty years of Democratic rule, th-the Republicans're getting de-desperate, they finally got the key. They, they dumped the old, traditional Republicans, Dewey and Bob Taft, who was ready to become president in 1952, and they turned to a hero. He was the hero of World War Two, Dwight Eisenhower. Now 'Eisenhower' might be a little tough to put into a song, but 'Ike'—ah, that's nice. 'I Like Ikе.' Now, America's great songwriter, Irving Bеrlin, he liked Ike. And he says, 'Ike, here's a song,' and he presented it to the Eisenhower campaign, 'I Like Ike,' and Magpie will sing it to ya."
[Verse 1: Magpie]
I like Ike
I'll shout it over a mike
Or a phone
Or from the highest steeple
[Verse 2: Magpie]
I like Ike
And Ike is easy to like
Stands alone
The choice of We the People
[Verse 3: Magpie]
A leader we can call
Without political noise
He can lead us all
As he led the boys
[Verse 4: Magpie]
Let's take Ike
A man we all of us like
Makes no deals
His favors can't be curried
And Uncle Joe is worried
'Cause we like Ike
[Spoken Outro: Joe Glazer & Audience]
"Does everybody know that reference to 'Uncle Joe was worried', who was he talking about?" ("Stalin") ("Joe Stalin") "Joe Stalin, sure, Uncle Joe Stalin is worried because we like Ike."