[Brendino & Ayesha Erotica: (Spoken)]
Thank you for tuning to the Brendon show
This week's topic is boob sex
Boob sex (Fuck my boobs, baby)
Enjoy the show
[Ayesha Erotica & Brendino: (Spoken)]
Fucking mother? My fucking mom?
Are you fucking serious?
You need to calm down babe
What the fuck!
Uh, I'm sorry
Seriously, get the fuck out
I'm trying to record
Oh my God
Can you get out?
My fucking mother?
Yeah, you're mom, can you get out please?
I'm trying to record, please
I swear to fucking God
Are you serious right now?
I fucked the waiter in Olive Garden
I know you did, that's why I fuck your mother
All right, uh well, this week's episode was going to be about boob sex, but, that ain't happening this week
[Brendino & Ayesha Erotica: (Spoken)]
Thank you for listening to the Brendon Jones show
Tune in next week to found out if that mole on his chest is as Is actually as serious as the doctor say it is
Fuck my boobs, baby