Peter Tosh
New York Interview - 1986
I am glad that you made mention of this, and I am also glad that representatives of EMI, my recording company, is here to hear you saying that bombaclaat -

Alright let's take it a step further and see how many copies are going to sell in Japan as compared to the United States.

I know that… Seen?? All these things are intentionally done to exploit the artist-

But if the people want the video bad enough, believe me they've got it.

I don't even like hear them rasclaat thing they hear… I didn't talk about it, but I'm glad you mentioned that, my dear, and thank you very much.

The video's important.

Yes, and they don't do nothing for that.

I have a comment regarding the video, as well as the demand. When I went to buy my copy of the video they told me at the store that they had many, many requests for that video at that time. Just so the record company should know - that video is in demand.

I know that. But it's not a Michael Jackson bombaclaat element, and not a likkle um, wha di next one name? Prince element, and dem kinda likkle bip bop bombaclaat element. It's too.. Wha ya say? It too black fi dem? It's that what I want to know.. If it too bombaclaat black fi dem. Or it too right fi dem? Cause it not wrong. People don't want wrong tings.
In a way we've had to start companies which are Reggae Video companies or this video company or that video company that just deal with that, because they don't.

I know that… Well my dear… when you mention this, I'm very glad you mention this because… You see… These are the things - no I don't cut you off-

Was there a record for that video? So why can't the video be released at the same time?

For example when I ask EMI why the Live album wasn't released they told me they released 40,000 America in one day. It was sold off in one day. And no more was put out from that time. These things are the things that I bombaclaat talk about. And when I get so fucking upset I don't bother bloodclat talk English bombaclaat grammar. 'Cause dem ting deh get me very bombaclaat upset. Seen? And all because, you know why? I am not singing 'Darling I bloodclat love you, and come shake my ras, and I'll swim the ocean and climb the mountain.' Seen? And that not goin' change me. Seen? Because I am going to kill the fuckery out there, and people is going to be in demand for the truth. People are sick and tired of hearing bombaclaat 'get down, shake your fuckin' booty.' People are sick of hearing 'Darlin', I bloodclaat love you.' You turn on the fuckin' radio twenty-four bombaclaat hours a day you hear 'Darlin' I love you.' A man wouldn't to sing to di Almighty ah rassclad. Him love him woman more than the creator who create the sun the moon and the bombaclaat star. I sick and tired of hearing that bomba-bloodclaat.. Seen?