Everything Is Recorded
Everything's in a continuous state of flux (flux, flux, flux)
This is what happens
You have a lot of things going on right now outside of you
And you don’t even see them (see them, see them, see them)
'Cause communication just exists on so many different frequencies
'Cause it was like truth
I was dreaming about my dad so o–, like, clear messages
So it’s all very impermanent
Clear messages
He would come to my dream
I, I reached a point when I was about 27
The frequency of life
Therе's things that affect your flesh that are no longеr here
Now I realize I wasn't really in my body at all
"Permanent" is an idea
What's permanent? Maybe nothing
I am a living memory of the universe
It was like a dam opened
She was always there
Perhaps I might have taken that for granted a little bit
And it's just you're having your personal experience
How you experience life
Even though we're just highly connected
And we all are
I am more than myself
I am more than myself